too funny; you really expect to get "great" replies with a question like that? seriously; is it a HD SportsNet/Rogers exclusive or contracted with DirecTV? (dont know, I don't watch hockey)
Maybe with questions like this directv will start showing these games that are on Rogers SportsNet in HD or next year I will cancel my directv and go with comcast Indemand's Center Ice to get them in HD.
I find it hard to believe you would change providers just to get Canucks and Oilers in HD; and if you compare Directv or Dishes HD Games Listing with those of Indemand, you will see that they have two to three times as many as games in HD that Indemand has each week.
If you're a Canucks or Oilers fan its easy to understand. The only time either team has HD games available is when they are playing US teams that have an HD feed (and even that option isn't always available) or when the NHL Network picks up the HNIC feed on Saturday night (which they haven't the past few weeks).
I get CI specifically to watch Oiler games & could count on 1 hand the number of non Oiler games I watch. It sucks having to watch the Oilers on the other teams feed all the time because that is the only HD option.
Can the poeple who have nhl center ice with dishnetwork ,comcast,or at&t u-verse let me know if thay are getting this game in HD. I know sorry a$$ directv is NOT!
What ticks me off even more is how poorly the SD feed of the Candian games is. It looks horrible!!! Especially if it's on Flames PPV or CBC. There is no excuse for that IMO. The worst of the worst though is if a Canadiens game is on the RDS feed.
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