I'm back to feeling like I'm new at this hobby.
Dish 1: C/Ku motorized, diseqcs 1,2 C-band working fine, (Ku hardly used, seldom same aim as C)
Dish 2 C-band fixed diseq 3 seldom used, untested.
Dish 3: Ku on 103 Ku-Cozi/NBC diseqc 4 working fine
Dish 4: PBS on 125 ku-Diseqc 5 working fine!
Here's where the problem begins...
Dish 5: 72 WEST for NBC feeds, Diseqc 6, Pixelating badly at times, perfect at times.
I changed out the LNB, checked the cables, no improvement. So, with NBC only popping in now and then on 72, I scanned, and got "ghosts" of another satellite, on another BAND which shouldn't be possible! (101w C-band.)
By the way, the remainder of the setup is...
Dish 6: Unused--diseq port 7
Dish 7: Unused, formerly 97 West, diseq 8.
(all using diseqc 1.1 settings per the Amiko.)
To reiterate, I thought I'd scan 72 west to verify my location, but...when I scan 72 on the Amiko mini, I get "ghost" signals supposedly of MeTV, Heroes, etc from 101 on my screen! There are NO 22khz switches, there are NO broken or crossed lines, all my connections are checked. I didn't even move the 72 west dish from it's start position.
I've had this problem before with the fixed C-band dish #2 on input #3, so I just stopped using it. When I scan the fixed dish input, The Amiko seems to think it's looking at something different than my particular 3rd port scan, usually I see results related to recent channel selections on other functioning diseqc inputs. I'd love to be able to use the far left dish on 99, or 101 leaving the motorized dish for hunting. I'd also like my NBC back!
What in the "H" am I doing wrong? I've triple checked everything! See the pictures, the REAL Heroes channel is fine, reading properly, and the "imposter" shows up with totally different frequencies on a different port!
I'm actually so irritated that I'm toying with going back to subscription! I used to enjoy this, but as winter looms, when things go bad, I just have to put up with them! Today was a PERFECT day, tomorrow ok, too...but I have to get ALL the dishes tweaked, peaked, and working. This is West Michigan and I'm a confused FTA'er who's been at this now for many years.
Can ANYONE shed light on why the ghosting of other satellites through completely separate ports, cables and LNB's, and how I can get back to some sanity and finish this before snow?

Dish 1: C/Ku motorized, diseqcs 1,2 C-band working fine, (Ku hardly used, seldom same aim as C)
Dish 2 C-band fixed diseq 3 seldom used, untested.
Dish 3: Ku on 103 Ku-Cozi/NBC diseqc 4 working fine
Dish 4: PBS on 125 ku-Diseqc 5 working fine!
Here's where the problem begins...
Dish 5: 72 WEST for NBC feeds, Diseqc 6, Pixelating badly at times, perfect at times.
I changed out the LNB, checked the cables, no improvement. So, with NBC only popping in now and then on 72, I scanned, and got "ghosts" of another satellite, on another BAND which shouldn't be possible! (101w C-band.)
By the way, the remainder of the setup is...
Dish 6: Unused--diseq port 7
Dish 7: Unused, formerly 97 West, diseq 8.
(all using diseqc 1.1 settings per the Amiko.)
To reiterate, I thought I'd scan 72 west to verify my location, but...when I scan 72 on the Amiko mini, I get "ghost" signals supposedly of MeTV, Heroes, etc from 101 on my screen! There are NO 22khz switches, there are NO broken or crossed lines, all my connections are checked. I didn't even move the 72 west dish from it's start position.
I've had this problem before with the fixed C-band dish #2 on input #3, so I just stopped using it. When I scan the fixed dish input, The Amiko seems to think it's looking at something different than my particular 3rd port scan, usually I see results related to recent channel selections on other functioning diseqc inputs. I'd love to be able to use the far left dish on 99, or 101 leaving the motorized dish for hunting. I'd also like my NBC back!
What in the "H" am I doing wrong? I've triple checked everything! See the pictures, the REAL Heroes channel is fine, reading properly, and the "imposter" shows up with totally different frequencies on a different port!
I'm actually so irritated that I'm toying with going back to subscription! I used to enjoy this, but as winter looms, when things go bad, I just have to put up with them! Today was a PERFECT day, tomorrow ok, too...but I have to get ALL the dishes tweaked, peaked, and working. This is West Michigan and I'm a confused FTA'er who's been at this now for many years.
Can ANYONE shed light on why the ghosting of other satellites through completely separate ports, cables and LNB's, and how I can get back to some sanity and finish this before snow?