I made a conical feedhorn out of a cereal bowl that costs $1 at the dollar store. It actually improved the signal using my 1.2m dish. I had wanted to post how I made it as well as pictures and signal improvements, but I just haven't had the time.
Hey Qwert,I am using a half oil funnel with foil for a "Scaler ring" on my 1.2 Meter dish -
(You can try something like that)
I see also that you don't have the wave-guide flush with the far inside of the scaler either. How does that work out for you?
Using the half funnel I get the best signal with the wave-guide and the front of the scaler ring at the same location. (Like in the picture)
Without the half funnel I get the best reception with the wave guide about half a centimeter behind the front of the scaler ring.
I have tried the "wave-guide flush with the far inside of the scaler" but it has never given me the best signal.
That was a suggestion that I got from another member in a PM, and I may look into that too.Could you cut the ends off of Pop / Soup cans, cut length wise, unroll a little and strap to a flat Scalar ring. To extend the existing rings to form a Conical shape.
A friend offered me his father's BUD but I don't have any room for it. He said I could get his Pansat 2500a and my old analog reciever (Star Trak 8000 I think) that I gave him about 7 years ago. Maybe I will ask for the feedhorn, lnb and possibly the acuater jack since he is going to scrap the entire dish.
It has a corotor C band lnb but I'm not sure if has a KU lnb or not. Both the analog reciever and the 2500a have skew control anyway, so it would'nt be a problem to go to either polarity.
I already said I would take the recievers, but told him that I don't have room for the dish. I need to live in the country again.![]()
LinuxMan, C-band isn't affected by rain. It has to do with the physicis of of the wavelength. I remeber when I had C band and a sub to EVU the Ku would go out but the C band would always work.
Mind you if it was in really heavy snow storm the C band would go out till I swept off the dish. That was the main resion that I stopped subbing to EVU and continued subbing to C band.
Until my BUD died, that was.But that's when I had a choice of a BUD unlike now.
Here are pictures of my CM 1.2m dish with the feedhorn support clamps installed.
I couldn't find Caddata's design drawings, but they are on this forum someplace.
I am using a half oil funnel with foil for a "Scaler ring" on my 1.2 Meter dish -
(You can try something like that)
Hi Popcorn,
I like Caddata's and your clamps, and I see they could be made pretty easily if I had the right tools, and a bit that size to drill the big holes.
I stopped by Lowe's today and got some hangers that I think will work just as well without too much fabricating.
It is supposed to clear up and quit raining sometime tonight and be clear and cool all weekend. Maybe I can make a little more progress.![]()
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