i quess its updating now my fish's went bbye-bye and the box appears to have shut it self off the screen said it would be 30 min download, anybody finish installing yet?
bnl107 said:I forced the download myself from the Installer's Menu. I was just exploring through the menus and found the update option under "Verify Voom". (If this is a new function - I take full credit for its discovery!). Took 30 minutes, system now shows:
Current Software Version: V00.01.20
HAL Version: 00.06.20
Middleware Version: 00.01.39
Guide Version: 01.98.08
Target Software Version: N/A
bman549 said:I have this displayed this evening.
Target Software Version: V00.01.20
Guess i'll have to go into standby tonight.
JEFFinINDY said:You don't need to put the box into "standby" mode to get software updates since 6.0. They just happen.
Sean Mota said:That's a good one. I did not notice that it was possible to force the download. Excellent find!
zvezman said:I just noticed that one of my receivers shows that it's targeted for a new software version (V00.01.20). It already has V00.06.10. Anyone else notice this? Could it be version 6.20 is on the way already?
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