erasmu said:Will a vcr timer work with the 811 turned off? Currently the 811 has to be on or you only get a black screen.
Quadtone4 said:I had the 811 installed 7/6/04 and it reports the 268 LAJD-N firmware.
I have only had it two days but I have noticed a lot of programing seems dark, especially HBO HD.
Samsung HLP 50 component and DVI connects.
It might be my imagination but I would swear component is brighter(better in dark scenes) than DVI and overall better PQ.
Steve M.
snathanb said:I have it as well... don't really notice much difference.
1) Darkness.... Svideo and component look about the same on SD channels, but they have on mine for awhile
2) won't recall from OTA to satellite, still
3) No dish home, yet.
I did just notice something that I haven't seen before, maybe someone who hasn't taken the upgrade can confirm...
When on a local channel (DISH or OTA), when turning the system off, the LED (blue or orange) immediately turns off, but the video remains on the screen from anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds. I don't recall it doing that before, but I usually turn everything off at once with one keypress on my programmable remote, so maybe it has done that for awhile.
Also....if you turn the system off while it is on an OTA channel, and then turn it back on... the blue light comes on for a second or too, then switch to the orange... I never noticed this before, either... I wonder if they are forcing the box to a satellite channel to get program guide updates while the box is off? Or maybe it always did that, but I don't recall seeing it in the past... who knows...
Then again, Scott just posted that it is only a small memory fix.
WeeJavaDude said:LAJD-N... Hmm looks like a new firmware rev.
GaryPen said:This is the 2nd SW update in a row that fixes some invisable problem. How do they manage to find these so-called problems, which don't affect anybody's viewing experience. Yet, the huge honkin' problems seem to escape their attention, update after update?
SRW1000 said:I sent an email to last week asking about the 811 dark video problem.
The next day I got a call from a technician at Dish. She said that 269 will correct the dark s-video problem. They are running it in the box at her location and the problem has been corrected. (You can take this with as many grains/pounds of salt as you deem necessary.) 269 should be out sometime after July 12, but before the 31st.
I stressed how disappointed I've been with the 811 and that I'm worried that it may be an "undiagnosed" hardware problem that will be discovered shortly after the warranty runs out - as happened with my 4700.
She said not to worry, because this software release will fix the problem, and even if it doesn't she'd make sure that all the proper notes are in my account file so that "they would take care of me." (More salt, anyone?)
Anyway, I'd urge all of you that are concerned about the problem to email and register your complaints. It won't hurt to let them know how you feel, and you should be covered in case the problem isn't fixed before the end of your warranty period.
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