While I do love waffles, I don't disdain pancakes (Are pancakes the Pittsburgh of breakfasts to HD?).
Waffles ARE great, but I do like IHOP.
Sadly, had to vote "Neither". Love both, but they're on the "foods to avoid" list for me now, especially with all the added sugar (great syrups) and saturated fat (lotsa butter!).
When I can make a whole grain batter I actually can stomach I might try both again...with sugarless syrup (yuck!) and "no butter butter" (double yuck!!)
But I do confess to a penchant for that "nasty" (riffjim4069) scrapple! I fry some of that up from time to time. Folks ask what's in scrapple and I say "Don't ask!". But it's pretty simple, really...pig parts (of unstated origin) and floor sweepings (i.e., sawdust). I haven't found what a "lethal" portion is yet, but I have been known to eat 1/2 lb at a time...!
A "savory mush of scraps"?! Are you kidding me? Who the F* wrote this? It sounds like they're authoring the next Giada DeLaurentiis cookbook, which in reality, they're describing boilied hog head!Scrapple is a savory mush of pork scraps and trimmings.
Scrapple is typically made of hog offal, such as the head, heart, liver, and other scraps, which are boiled with any bones attached (often the entire head), to make a broth. Once cooked, bones and fat are discarded, the meat is reserved, and cornmeal is boiled in the broth to make a mush.
The mush is formed into a loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then fried before serving. Scraps of meat left over from butchering, not used or sold elsewhere, are made into scrapple to avoid waste.
Actually, the Pittsburghese all seem to enjoy this "scrapple" which is quite funny. So consider scrapple the Pittsburgh of breakfasts.
Never in a million years would you see that crap eaten here in wonderful Cleveland, Ohio.
While I do love waffles, I don't disdain pancakes (Are pancakes the Pittsburgh of breakfasts to HD?).
Waffles ARE great, but I do like IHOP.
While I do love waffles, I don't disdain pancakes (Are pancakes the Pittsburgh of breakfasts to HD?).
Waffles ARE great, but I do like IHOP.
+1. I'm so thankful they opened one in Fairview Park
where is pancakes house?
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