I'm presuming I could get a little circuit board to plug them into and solder up to keep things nice and neat, any pictures how others have connected them would help if possible please.
The capacitor could be placed anywhere on the motor leads. Either as the last photos depicts or even as simple as across the terminal strip connections.
Speaking of terminal strip. Magic Static and I discussed long ago that some terminal strips were installed with the reed switch lead terminals placed next to the motor and the motor leads on the far end. This routed the sensor leads against the motor and exposed the circuit to increased electrical noise. Got into the habit of flipping the terminal strip so the motor leads are nearest the motor and the sensor lead are routed to the reed switch further away from the motor.
Excellent project!
Well done!
I've always lusted after the big Paraclipse Dishes.
Maybe I'll have to talk the wife in to cruising some of the back roads with me around out new house in NM
i can move onto the next stage raising and tilting mechanism.
I thought I went through mine before I put it up....you sir are a beast for tearing that motor housing apart...I hope mine outlives me, that doesn't look like fun at all!
Can't wait until you get it up and running I want to see the signal output.
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