I subscribe to Paramount + and I don't like it when a shows that have been on CBS for at least 2 to 3 years still don't have past episodes. The FAQ says it's copyright BS. Case in point I wanted watch last seasons finale of SWAT and FBI and FBI Most Wanted and all they had was no episodes for SWAT and the first episodes of FBI and FBI Most Wanted. If I'm paying for this service I want my shows episodes!

I don't why this ended up in the Dish forum when I searched in the Cord Cutters forum.
I have posted this before in the Cord Cutters Forum, Paramount ( CBS) only has rights to show the current season on shows produced by other production companies.
For example, the FBI's show are produced and owned by Universal, SWAT by Sony, but Seal Team is owned/produced by CBS/Paramount, hence why all 4 Seasons are up.
This is all because of who owns the rights to the show, which has been going on since Television started, other examples-the classic show All in the Family, that was on CBS for 8 years, so you would think it would be on P+,nope, it was owned by Sony who sold the rights to Air to Amazon, Seinfeld, on NBC for 10 years, also owned by Sony, so not on Peacock, rights were sold to be shown on Netflix ( starting in October ).
Last example, Frazier, on NBC for a extremely long time, but it is on P+ since it was produced by CBS/Paramount.