The problem is that they're still using the same old engines/systems they've been using since Oblivion, and it hasn't aged well. Newer stuff definitely looks more realistic, and when you constantly see "better" ones out, it just makes the older ones look that much worse.
Shadow Complex, a former XBLA exclusive, is now out for PC and is coming to PS4/XB1 (because why not remaster yet ANOTHER game?) More importantly, PC users can get a copy of this GREAT game for free.
But why would they release such a gun in the first place? I mean even in games like Unreal Tournament and Quake, such a gun does not exist. To put it in a more "realistic" and balance based game just makes no sense to me. It just comes down to "Who thought this was a good idea?"
Someone beat Fallout 4 in less than 70 minutes.
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