Smith said:So, can you pull the current version from demo box ?
No, P Smith... you can't capture the stream, modify the serial number range to your 622's serial number, remodulate it into your 622. Just kidding...
Smith said:So, can you pull the current version from demo box ?
Kirby Baker said:Thats actually kinda low, that file is only running an average of 12.5 mbps. Full rate HD at 19.3 mbps would use up about 579MB for the same 4 minute clip.
rockymtnhigh said:I am guessing it won't be about a external hd fee, but whether or not to allow third-party drives, OR just make you buy an external drive FROM them; which would be just a third-party drive that is marked up.
God I hope they are not taking that route. I want to be able to use my 320GB my Book.
I am definitely going to lobby for this to be a freebie (i.e. no fee and any third-party drive) to whoever is there from E* at the CEDIA Reception tomorrow! Just 24 hours away. I can't wait!
John Kotches said:You can't just say X Mbits/second is low. It's not that simple an equation.
It depends on a number of factors, including whether or not it's an on-line or off-line encode. On-line encoding will almost always have a higher ABR than an off-line encode. 720p content will generally have a lower bit rate than 1080i content. Video content will generally have a lower bit rate than film content as a cleaner frame is easier to encode than a dirtier frame etc etc etc.
So without knowing any of the details, you can't arbitrarily say "it's low".
I am afraid I won't have time for that, besides I've been at their booth 4 times already.Smith said:So, can you pull the current version from demo box ?
dude2 said:So what is the total capacity in hours of hd programing for the unit.
luckycat said:Give me a break! The business model should be simple: attract new customers with features like this, without nickel/diming them to death. I'm already paying to lease AND a fee to use the DVR. Shouldn't the fee I already pay for the DVR include the ability to hook up an external drive?
If there is an External Drive Enablement Fee I'll sh*t my pants. Get the change of clothes ready....
BlackHitachi said:Give them Hell there are more of us that feel as you!
The fees are pretty install customers mosty frequently used comment.."They never told me about that (fee)"..luckycat said:Give me a break! The business model should be simple: attract new customers with features like this, without nickel/diming them to death. I'm already paying to lease AND a fee to use the DVR. Shouldn't the fee I already pay for the DVR include the ability to hook up an external drive?
If there is an External Drive Enablement Fee I'll sh*t my pants. Get the change of clothes ready....
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