Hello! New here! I'm located in Crossville TN and I'm looking for an old school in ground satellite dish that's around 5' in diameter. I'm using it for a project for my kids so it needs to be in descent shape. If you have any thoughts or ideas then fire away.
I find them often online. Just always too far away. I love window shopping though! Thanks partner!Craigslist... or drive around and look for dishes that aren't being used anymore
Ouch!!! Kinda like asking me to donate my liver.... so you can enjoy your fava beans and chianti!Hey! Thanks for reaching out. I'm actually looking for something to turn into a beyblade arena for my kids. All the ones they sell are super small and I wanted to amp it up a bit lol. Definitely fiberglass because I can finish it out to a really smooth surface.
Ouch!!! Kinda like asking me to donate my liver.... so you can enjoy your fava beans and chianti!
That's fantastic! When you say retailer, are you talking like a sub that would be coming in and tearing out the old equipment? Like Charter, Frontier, etc.?I think a C-Band dish would be way too big for that. And too deep. You might find a discarded DTV or Dish Network Ku dish and see how the toys work in there. There are quite a few 4' fiberglass Ku dishes discarded when retailers POS devices went internet instead of satellite.
Thanks for the info. Very much appreciated.Retailer= any retail store, gas station, etc. They use a credit card machine= POS (point of sale) A lot of them are on the net but still have an unused dish on the roof.
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