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Post your 622 Install Experiences

Grrr! I know how you feel Tom. BOTH of my 942s are in the same boat (at least they aren't boat anchors yet :D )
Well I spouted off when this BS first started and predicted it could well be months before existing HD DVR subs got to see the new channels. I got heavly flamed too.

The fact is, 921 & 942 subs have paid Dish far more money than other customers right along. I'd guess 95% of us made our decision to get these receivers based on promises Dish made about more HD channels coming.

Then the 1st thing Dish did was push us to the back of the line to get those new channels they promised us. If we want to get in line early we have to pay an extra $200.

I'll make another prediction. Dish will try to make existing 921 / 942 subs wait even longer than April 1st to see the new channels.

Now that Feb 1st 622 orders are being pushed into March, Dish will push back the April 1st $200 rebate deal accordinly. They'll have to fill non-rebate orders first or those people will be clamering for the rebate as it gets closer to April 1st.

They're sure not going to be letting us get 622s for $99 before those that are paying $299.

Is that light bulb blinking on yet ?
Past history tells me the timing and indeed the existence of a $200 rebate is still at best a 50/50 chance of happening, in any month. :eek:

I still keep seeing conflicting messages about owned vs leased and 921/942 vs 811. I cant quite understand why dish wont restate, for the record, what is on offer.:confused: :hungry:
The timing is always a risk, add a caveat if you like about timing, since we are talking software and manufacturing here, but at least let me believe there is still a $200 offer on the table. Charlie Chat's aren't proof as we all know !:mad:

But i still am happy with my investment in the 942, best receiver i have ever had. :) :cool: :up

(nearly used all the smilies ! :D oops there's another ;) and another)

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