If I can get the full signal should break the 10m range for sure,,,
I doubt that you will see 10MB of service from Sprints 4G.
If I can get the full signal should break the 10m range for sure,,,
JAG72 said:I doubt that you will see 10MB of service from Sprints 4G.
riffjim4069 said:I am 20 miles northeast of dallas and the 4g network barely registers in my neighborhood. In fact, I keep 4g turned off unless I'm driving to the city since the speed is notmuch faster.
I am just happy to have at least 300-400 down. We used to be on Alltels leased 3g but in July Sprint rolled out their own...it has been horrible. They decided to only run one T1 to each tower. C'mon who planned that on the tower that covers all the state offices downtown.
I figure we will get 4g when 5g is starting to roll out. An hour west of me Sprint is still 2g in that entire market. Not a lot of Sprint folks around here due to the shoestring network...they are stuck in th viscious cycle of no subs...no money for networ upgrades...no money to bring in subs. Rinse and repeat.
All the smart phones suck battery...that's why I keep a charger at home, at work and in the vehicle. If I need my phone to last all day I simply turn-off GPS, Wi-Fi and BlueTooth if I am not using them - the same goes for 4G. As far as I am concerned, it is unrealistic for people to surf the net at broadband speeds...run a zillion apps in the background...have GPS track their every waking moment...and expect the battery to last all day.Yea, wait till your battery life takes a nose dive..I'm no 4G expert, but I do not hear good things about it as far as the battery goes.
Well, I WAS pretty happy with my download test from yesterday until you posted.
I doubt that you will see 10MB of service from Sprints 4G.
...and what dummy would second that motion.What stupid person would have said you won't see 10MB speeds out of Sprints 4G service?
JAG72 said:What stupid person would have said you won't see 10MB speeds out of Sprints 4G service?
The other day while I was running speedtest on my EVO, I ran into a co-worker doing the same thing on his. I wonder how much 4G bandwidth is being consumed by new EVO/Epic customers testing their phones. LOL!Yeap... i heard that. LoL
On the droid site sum are getting 11 and 12mb .... i get almost 7 with 2 bars... heck i might get 14 with full bars now
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