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Power in the sky?!?! | SatelliteGuys.US

Power in the sky?!?!


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Aug 11, 2010
Okay curiosity got the best of me. I decided to hook the ol volt meter up to my sat signal feed wire...results were rather odd. DC reading= not enough to account for....AC reading= even worse.....I thought well this couldn't be possible, there has to be something worth accounting for coming down this pipe in the sky....I mean it is capable of reaching over 200 million homes......So decided to use something for my own ground, instead of the outer metal piece on the coax end. Well..... did this in DC mode and BOOM....nothing :rant:. Decided one last hope to try in AC mode and what do you know..... around 2.5 volts. After i got a consistent reading try after try i thought surely my meter cant be bad....used other objects as a ground. And I was still getting around 2.5 Volts really strange thing is that when i had the meter grounded it didn't matter if i touched the outer metal piece of the coax connector end or the little middle copper wire....still getting around 2.5 volts. To sum this all up my reason for trying this... I was thinking the power coming down this pipe in the sky could be harnessed if you had quite a few dishes outside...if it would work...might look tacky but who cares free energy...well at least for you.
did you do this with NOTHING else connected to your dish? There is, after all, power going to the LNBs you know.

Also, a VOM takes very little current to show a reading. just because you had a voltage on the meter, doesn't mean you had any current behind it. since p=ie, i bet there wouldn't be much if any power available.

more than likely, what you were reading was the induced voltage caused by the cable itself acting as an inductor, coupled to the power lines in and around your house.
Sorry not to specify..... tried to include everything I was doing. yes, this is the wire coming straight from the satellite, nothing else...not the wire that goes to the tv. Also my situtation is strange because my coax lines are not actually grounded. Well they are grounded to the dish....But not the ground on my house. When it was being hooked up the installer kept getting a constant fluctuation in signal when the coax cables were grounded to my house ground. He said he had never seen that before but when it was not grounded it worked like a charm. so we left it that way. Now to clear the air on the voltage with no possible power supply from anything else, I am going to test voltage straight off the lnb itself. If I get the same reading....and I'm thinking it will be a little better...Then my next question will be what is the amperage. You know that is what mostly matters, that is were all the "ass" is in the power. My problem is that my meter doesn't do if I am getting that 2.5 volts(or better) at the lnb, I may not be able to help myself, and end up buying a new meter with an amperage test setting. By the way did a giggle search trying to find any info about someone trying this....nothing...has noone ever tried this before?....seems like there may be a little hope of saving some change.
I have read not long ago about device being able to receive power in the air from radio beams such as local towers and such that would produce enough power to light up an LED. The LED's do not require much power at all. This reminds me of experiments they were doing to transfer power from space down to earth and vice versa with satellite dishes that harnessed the energy from the sun to concentrate it to one collector.
When I had DTV installed, the installer used his tongue to tone out the lines at the ground block. I actually saw a blue spark zap his tongue. He also told me that the lines coming from the lnb's have a less intense zap when he tones them out using his tongue, it feels like a 9 volt battery. :eek::eek::eek:
When I had DTV installed, the installer used his tongue to tone out the lines at the ground block. I actually saw a blue spark zap his tongue. He also told me that the lines coming from the lnb's have a less intense zap when he tones them out using his tongue, it feels like a 9 volt battery. :eek::eek::eek:

voltage to the lnb can vary from 15 to 22 volts or more. not my kind of tongue fun!!
Sorry not to specify..... tried to include everything I was doing. yes, this is the wire coming straight from the satellite, nothing else...not the wire that goes to the tv. Also my situtation is strange because my coax lines are not actually grounded. Well they are grounded to the dish....But not the ground on my house. When it was being hooked up the installer kept getting a constant fluctuation in signal when the coax cables were grounded to my house ground. He said he had never seen that before but when it was not grounded it worked like a charm. so we left it that way. Now to clear the air on the voltage with no possible power supply from anything else, I am going to test voltage straight off the lnb itself. If I get the same reading....and I'm thinking it will be a little better...Then my next question will be what is the amperage. You know that is what mostly matters, that is were all the "ass" is in the power. My problem is that my meter doesn't do if I am getting that 2.5 volts(or better) at the lnb, I may not be able to help myself, and end up buying a new meter with an amperage test setting. By the way did a giggle search trying to find any info about someone trying this....nothing...has noone ever tried this before?....seems like there may be a little hope of saving some change.

you will find no voltage there. you were reading the induced voltage on the coax. you either live under or near high-voltage power lines or have an AM radio station nearby
I have read not long ago about device being able to receive power in the air from radio beams such as local towers and such that would produce enough power to light up an LED. The LED's do not require much power at all. This reminds me of experiments they were doing to transfer power from space down to earth and vice versa with satellite dishes that harnessed the energy from the sun to concentrate it to one collector.

when I lived up north we used to run small electric cars and other stuff from the transmitted power from the local AM/FM radio station. was a great way to introduce students to the joys of RF and electricity. they really loved the florecent lamps that light with no wires attached!!
I have read not long ago about device being able to receive power in the air from radio beams such as local towers and such that would produce enough power to light up an LED. The LED's do not require much power at all. This reminds me of experiments they were doing to transfer power from space down to earth and vice versa with satellite dishes that harnessed the energy from the sun to concentrate it to one collector.

Actually, Nickolai Tesla proved this could be done decades ago. He transmitted much more power than an LED needs. Just never got off the ground. Scientists/Physicists are looking into it again to see if it is feasible for the mass public.

What your doing is cutting the power to every other legit subscriber. Your using up the satellite signal.:)

Dont laugh a E CSR actually told me that some years ago.

A good friend lives near KDKA a 50 thousand watt station near here. he uses a longwire antenna from ham radion to light bulbs and other neat tricks.....

Upgrade DISH DTV Pal to 1Tb???

need help hooking up a vip 722k receiver

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