I pay less then $10.Both but not really a fair comparison. Who doesn't want premiums in HD? If I pay $15 for HBO they should all be in hd. It would be great to have both.
I pay less then $10.Both but not really a fair comparison. Who doesn't want premiums in HD? If I pay $15 for HBO they should all be in hd. It would be great to have both.
Because it makes about as much sense as complaining about why Betamax is gone. Is Voom coming back? Don't know, don't care. And if I didn't read a voom thread that would eliminate about 75 percent of the dish network forum on account of the people who can't get over the fact that 15 little watched, often repeated 'tv channels' were removed from a service they're still choosing to pay for. If you're that adamant about it, don't waste your money on a service that's obviously inferior and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Some complaints are what this forum is for, but not the same complaint repeated ad nauseum by the same people in different threads. So there.![]()
Because it makes about as much sense as complaining about why Betamax is gone.
Gosh, E* subs must dislike the premium movie channels nearly as much as they dislike The One Who Shalt Not Be Named. TOWSNBN is only losing 45.53% to 50.41% as of right now. I'd have thought that TOWSNBN would have gotten slaughtered by the movie premiums...
Outside of the Voom thread most mention of Voom in others threads are by people who dislike Voom. This thread for instance was created by a member who dislikes Voom very much. And he likes to stir things up. Complain to people like him. He must have little big man syndrome or something.
And this proves that there are more than just a couple of us who like Voom as the thread starter and others wish to believe. Going against the premium channels would be tough for any package of channels. Even if 30-35% of the HD subscribers want Voom back that is pretty decent #s.
the reason of this thread is not to complain about the loss of voom or to gloat over it. There is no other motive then what the question asks.
I made it a public poll so that neither side could fake the results.
Also, you never know, it has been stated that Dish monitors the forums. Maybe your vote can count for something the next time dish views some posts.
It isn't that I dislike Voom. I dislike that Voom was over priced and over rated. They basically had about 5 channels worth of material that was stretched out to 15.
I agree with you. I think they should have marketed 5 channels at the most.
I have no doubt that there are people who like Voom. This poll only has 90 or so votes that is not a good representation of the HD subs. I am sure if all of the HD subs voted the poll would lean a lot more to one side then the other.
Why not. It is a small sample but probably close within 10% or so.
Again that is why I made this poll. It was asked in another thread Turbo VS Voom I thought this was a better question. If you had to pick which would it be Premiums in HD or Voom. It is in my opinion the better business decision by Dish. They will attract more customers with HD premiums than Voom.
I am very sorry that you are still so upset over the loss of Voom channels but do you need to lower yourself to saying I have little big man syndrome (whatever that is). It is time to get over it.
Why not. It is a small sample but probably close within 10% or so.
Not really, first not all members that are dish HD subs will vote. The hardcore Voom fans will vote but any member that could care less about voom will probably stay away because voom is in the title. Since all Dish HD subs are not members of this site and members of this site may be more particular about their HD channels that would also affect the vote.
This sounds like the kind of explanation you would read from someone when the poll didn't work the way they wanted it to.
Your participation in any Voom discussions would be much more palatable if you would refrain from saying "get over it". Why not go find some viewers who want the Yes Network on Dish and tell them it isn't on Dish so get over it.
...With that said,I believe what I said is true and you are one of the voom fans that came in because voom was in the title.
There is a particularly large group of Satguys who like to discuss how much they hate these 15 channels, and enter any thread about these 15 channels to argue about them. I dont know if these same folks post in threads about every channel they dislike, or if they reserve their venom for just these 15. For some reason, these 15 particular channels need to be exterminated, as they seem to threaten the continued existence of the human race.Not really, first not all members that are dish HD subs will vote. The hardcore Voom fans will vote but any member that could care less about voom will probably stay away because voom is in the title. Since all Dish HD subs are not members of this site and members of this site may be more particular about their HD channels that would also affect the vote.
Spatch, did you really expect things to turn out different. Thanks to you, we now have another Voom-Boom going on. Nice work![]()
"I made it a public poll so that neither side could fake the results." - Spatch
Well, there you have it. You made it so results could not be tampered with. Now that the results are not in your favor you want to discredit the poll. You will feel better if you admit to yourself that there are more than 3 of us here that like Voom.
the reason of this thread is not to complain about the loss of voom or to gloat over it. There is no other motive then what the question asks.
Apparently, this poll is only for people who don't know what Voom is or don't like Voom?
What kind of poll is that?
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