If/when you hear more on this ($29.99 pkg), will you post in the pub or here?
Probably in public.

If/when you hear more on this ($29.99 pkg), will you post in the pub or here?
I agree with Hall, this is one of those that should be public. But I sure do enjoy getting the inside track from the pub - it pays to be a member!Probably in public.But who knows what you will find in the pub.
There have been number of posts in the past couple of months dealing with what is the most popular package, etc. The pricing might be an attempt to drive people to the 200 level as a minimum so Dish can leverage some programming contracts. I'm not so sure this would be a good thing, but I can't discount the clues that keep pointing to 200 as being the "sweet" spot for Dish's Corporate Office.The pricing does not make any sense to me. It is a $10 jump from 100 to 100+. Then from 100+ to 200 it is only $2 jump. Then from 200 to 250 it is another $10 jump. Does this make sense to anyone? I guess I am just now noticing this. I guess it has been this way for awhile now.
There have been number of posts in the past couple of months dealing with what is the most popular package, etc. The pricing might be an attempt to drive people to the 200 level as a minimum so Dish can leverage some programming contracts. I'm not so sure this would be a good thing, but I can't discount the clues that keep pointing to 200 as being the "sweet" spot for Dish's Corporate Office.
I'm curious how the NHL Network plays into this. I'd prefer not to go with that premier pack. I have center ice tho, would that give me the NHL Network in HD? There is an cneter ice version of this channel.
Maybe for $29 you could get the HD versions of the movie channels without having to subscribe to all the movie channels.
My guess is that the $20 HD package includes:
15 Vooms
HD Theater
NHL Network
If DISH charges 29.99 for an HD package that is just like the 20 we pay now then they are stupid. They have less HD channels than D* and would be charging twice as much. I would be paying 15 more than last year with AEP + Hd. That would be 25 over 2 years. They would lose more customers and I would have to consider downgrading or switching to D* even though I dont want to.
Limited time offer