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Price Increases for Dish on 2/1/2005 | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Price Increases for Dish on 2/1/2005

I'd like to drop the packs and go a la carte but m equipment is leased :(

So anyone got an 811 for me for pretty cheap :)
BFG said:
I'd like to drop the packs and go a la carte but m equipment is leased :(

So anyone got an 811 for me for pretty cheap :)

If I qualified for the HD networks at D* I would, but alas, no. :(

Well, for me my bill will be at least $70. I have top 180 and insurance and an international channel. But still, it is not as bad as cable. I had problems with Adelphia. Thank god I am at Dish.
Pyrophoric said:
I dunno, I just know what I pay per month. Either way this is a $20 increase for me.

Pyrophoric, I'm a bit confused about something. You are saying that you are paying $50/month for that package as if you've been paying this for a while. You've only had DISH for about 15 days and you've only received a single bill which was the two-month double bill. On December 16th, you said you were "thinking about getting Dish Network." On December 24th, you said you got your first bill. Maybe you can clarify this.
If your paying only $49.99 now for AEP Locals HBO and MAX then you are not getting charged the right amount, someone made a HUGE error and you lucked out bigtime unless you are getting a $10.00 discount on your bill for taking the Free For All offer and perhaps referred a customer or two using ClubDish getting additional $5 discounts then you would only see a $3 increase in your bill.

I just noticed in another post that you have made that you have a 522 and if you are under DHA where you lease it (paid $50 up front unless you used a ClubDish card) and got $50 off your first bill, then you wouldnt be getting the $10 a month off your bill for purchasing the hardware upfront. You could have the AT60 with Locals, MAX, and HBO which equals around this amount. Do you get channels such as DIY (111), Biography (119), GAC (167) which are only found on AT180?
True, I haven't been with E* for even a month yet but when I break my first bill down I know what I will see on my bill for the 3rd month, which is $50(not including taxes, dvr free, etc.) for ALL channels. In either case I was told that I would be paying $50 a month for all the channels I am getting from 3 different sales reps.

Now I will say that I have had so many problems with E* that I wouldnt put it past em to have lied to me but if that is the case then my first bill wouldnt be for the $$ it is.

Either way I have no prob going back to my local cable company if I do end up paying $20 more than I am supposed to. I mean my local cable company just got dvr's that I have seen in action and are awesome, has cable internet at 3mb for $40, has SD that looks a million times better than E*, they just added on-demand where you can watch anything in their library anytime you want, AND are adding cable video phone.

I actually dont know why I decided to go to Sat with all the problems I have had with E*. I have gotten false info already(prolly what will happen with the $50 channels I am supposed to get), I have had a bad installer that left me with crap signal and cut elect wires outside when digging, I had wrong charges to my account, I had the wrong addy put on my bill(god knows how) so while the installer made it to me fine the bill found its way half way on the other side of town, I am in a bad area to have dish anyways, poor quality picture, buggy 522 box(yeah everyone has one I know), and anger from my land lady when the installer actually did cut through the elect and shorted some apts.

In all I have gotten WAY off topic but to answer you more direct, I am supposed to be paying $50 a month atm and thats all I know till I see diff.
CygnusTM said:
Actually, right now I get a 404. I think the Dish webmasters are the same morons who program the receivers. Ever notice that doesn't work? Jeez, that's Webmaster 101. ...
True on all counts, but in this case it's simply whatever idiot that's responsible for the DNS zone file.

I hard-coded the IP for into my HOSTS file as just - it works fine.

Now we find out how long it takes the E* monitor reading this to get the information from here through the 1000 miles of corporate BS to make a change that takes less than 60 seconds.

Let's start a pool. I say the first week of June.
Maybe that's the way their IT department wants it. After all, if you don't know where you're going, why should the Internet? BTW, I noticed that the IP address for DishNetwork's website ( reverses to (maybe they figure that's easier for people to type in?)

Also, when I checked out the box on my account, there was a chance to reply with feedback to the price increase. Here's what I said:

"Seems hypocritical to bash Cable for raising their rates when Dish is doing the exact same thing. Having said that, please continue to offer customers the core packages at the annual discounted prices and I'll continue to consider Dish as my Home Entertainment provider of HD and digital television."
Still beats D*

Would you all like some cheese with your wine. Prices go up and if you want to remain with the service do so, if not is your choice. All the complaints I see about number of channels and so forth.....outer space is crowded with thousands of orbiting objects and those space craft cost bucks. The few dollar increase next month will help with the future of Sat TV.
Pyrophoric said:
Either way I have no prob going back to my local cable company if I do end up paying $20 more than I am supposed to. I mean my local cable company just got dvr's that I have seen in action and are awesome, has cable internet at 3mb for $40, has SD that looks a million times better than E*, they just added on-demand where you can watch anything in their library anytime you want, AND are adding cable video phone.

You won't be paying $20 more than you are supposed to since you are paying $17 LESS than you are supposed to now. It's funny that you are getting an unbelievable deal and get mad when DISH figures out you are paying less than EVERYONE else.

To be honest, I'd like to see a digital picture or screenshot of your bill. It sounds like you are either reading the bill wrong or just making the whole thing up.
bigthrust said:
I have DHA w/ 3 receivers everything pak and it looks like the price is going DOWN a buck.... cool!

How is the price going DOWN a $1? Before it was $82.99 with locals and now it is $86.99. Seems like an increase to me.
Possible Explanation?

Dish is raising costs mainly due to the increased programming costs to them from the providers. I mean just look at the Viacom fiasco and the other providers they've been fighting with. They have to re-negoiate with someone probably every other day. Also, the premiums aren't going up and they haven't to my knowledge. There have been increases the past two years but they've only been 1 or 2 dollars. This year is a little more so I guess maybe there are some plans for the future. They're still the lowest digital price, they have the best receivers and technology in my opinion (even though there are the bugs) and there are definite plans for the future (942, expanding programming, etc)

In other's worth the money and stop whining
Yeah but all the other providers had to do the same deal with viacom, so their rates better go up as well, or else it's just a standard profit maximizing ripoff...
Not everyone realizes the increased costs that the companies have and they have to pass those along to the consumer. At the same time the profits go up. This is a given but this helps offset inflation as well.

Different companies go into a new contract at different times so renewal may not have been reached yet with some of the other cable companies that may yet have to get that same contract renewal which could have rates even higher than what Dish Network agreed upon.
jeffwtux said:
How is the price going DOWN a $1? Before it was $82.99 with locals and now it is $86.99. Seems like an increase to me.

Ya know, after looking at it....I'm wasn't comparing the price change to the current "base" DHA EP. Instead I was comparing it to the DHA EP w/3 rec. which costs me $87.99 mo. currently. So, a $4 increase for me.

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