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PS3 security broken for good?

And in the end they just settled
Sony, PS3 hacker George Hotz reach settlement

The timing is really interesting...
And since there are no details I guess Sony backed out and Hotz lawyers agreed to call that "settlement"...:p

Sony won this one. They have a permanent injunction against him. Looks like if he tries it again he's in more trouble.

My advice to him is get a real job. Hacking is for losers. Nobody will hire you if you can't be trusted.
It looks like there are quite a few interpretations of the settlement...
Sony and PS3 hacker Geohot settle out of court

Sony trumpets "permanent injunction" and goes as far as to quote Hotz himself being "happy to have the litigation behind me".
Injunction? They must be kidding! Hotz is prevented from linking to his exploits? Who cares if it is all over the internet!
Also, just like all stock market settlements, Hotz didn't even have to admit to be wrong!

And this is what Hotz says in his blog:
“As of 4/11/11, I am joining the Sony boycott. I will never purchase another Sony product.
I encourage you to do the same. And if you bought something Sony recently, return it.
A polite post-settlement way to say f**k you, Sony...:)

Also, what is this crap about "having decided to settle weeks ago"? Typical Sony BS!

Anonymous can attach another feather to their collective hat...

It looks like there are quite a few interpretations of the settlement...
Sony and PS3 hacker Geohot settle out of court

Sony trumpets "permanent injunction" and goes as far as to quote Hotz himself being "happy to have the litigation behind me".
Injunction? They must be kidding! Hotz is prevented from linking to his exploits? Who cares if it is all over the internet!
Also, just like all stock market settlements, Hotz didn't even have to admit to be wrong!

And this is what Hotz says in his blog:

A polite post-settlement way to say f**k you, Sony...:)

Also, what is this crap about "having decided to settle weeks ago"? Typical Sony BS!

Anonymous can attach another feather to their collective hat...


Like I'm going to listen to Hotz. And you don't know the details of the settlement. I wonder how you would feel if Holz cracked the Directv or Dish encryption.
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It looks like there are quite a few interpretations of the settlement...
...and this settlement is definitely not the end of it.

First, there is another guy, graf_chokolo, that Sony has to deal with.
He was the one that did most of the tedious reverse engineering work that made this hack possible.
PlayStation hacker defiantly posts 'bible' following police raid ? The Register

Second, there is the fail0verflow crew that made the first breakthrough.
Sony sues PlayStation 3 'hackers' ? The Register

Who will Sony go after - and Anonymous most likely "fight" for - next?...

I liked this
PS3 hacker George Hotz donates $10,000 to EFF, mocks Sony
At the end of the day, something I take comfort in. The PS3 got OWNED. Once the code works they'll never be able to take it away from us.
If you piss them off enough for them to pull out the legal team and their million dollar checkbook, worst thing that happens is you have to super swear to never do it again.

There is a good chance this case will be similar to suing Napster out of existence.
Sony should have dug deeper in their wallet to buy Hotz's silence...:)

This probably ends the Hotz chapter in the Sony vs. Hackers book but most likely not the PS3 exploits.
Playstation 3 hacker hotz donates $10,000 to the eff- The Inquirer

It's hard to call the guy wise but stupid he is not
As much as I don't respect the goons at Sony, I do respect the court.
You shouldn't piss off the community of people who are actually talented at this stuff.
Hell, maybe you even pissed off your engineering employees enough to leave some nice backdoors?

I think this thread can be closed with the conclusion that Sony failed so miserably with the task of securing
their PlayStation network, that only rebuilding it from scratch has a chance to keep the franchise alive.
There are 3 more years to go before the PS4 is out.


I know that you guys posted their ***** is compromised...
I posted this on my website:
PSN = Playstation Network.
Their systems are hacked.
People's usernames, passwords, emails, credit card/debit card, birthdays, address....all have been compromised.
If you are using the same password for your email make sure you change it.
Epic fail from Sony's IT group.

I went ahead and contacted my credit card company today and had them replace my credit card that was on file with them.
Better be safe than be sorry. I know there is 0% liability but I rather not have to go through a claim process if something unauthorized hits my card.
I'd suggest all of you do the same.

So if Holz
had never did what he did would this have happen? The network never had a problem before. I hope someone goes to prison for this.
I know that you guys posted their ***** is compromised...
I posted this on my website:
PSN = Playstation Network.
Their systems are hacked.
People's usernames, passwords, emails, credit card/debit card, birthdays, address....all have been compromised.
If you are using the same password for your email make sure you change it.
Epic fail from Sony's IT group.

I went ahead and contacted my credit card company today and had them replace my credit card that was on file with them.
Better be safe than be sorry. I know there is 0% liability but I rather not have to go through a claim process if something unauthorized hits my card.
I'd suggest all of you do the same.

I signed up on their network and gave them a CC just so I can download one thing. I gave them fake personal information as they do not need my address, phone number, or anything else. The only accurate thing I gave them was my name and CC number. I never give places real info unless it is actually needed

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