The Last Guardian has finally gone gold.
For those not familiar with TMC...
Sony has revealed what games will be optimized for the PS4 Pro.
Well keep in mind this is the LAUNCH list. Doesn't mean this is the final one. Those games you listed may not be considered as high a priority, or would take a lot more work than the other ones.I'm kind of surprised games like Killzone, Until Dawn, The Order 1886, and The Nathan Drake Collection aren't on that list. I realize that those games are older and/or not super popular but it seems like they would have gotten more of their first party games on board especially since they went back for Knack, The Last of Us, and Infamous.
Edit: I also see people in the comments asking for Bloodborne. This one would have made sense since people have complained about framerate dips at times in that game on the standard PS4.
Warning: Don't share a particular photo from Watch Dogs 2 via your PS4. I don't even want to describe what it's a picture of. I'm sure Ubisoft will patch it out very soon but until then.. NSFW
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