while theres perhaps some truth to that.
dish was dedicated to controlling who had the software code, to avoid pirating.
it got so bad there wasnt enough talent to have well tested software........... caused some receiver releases to be very seriously late
so boxes like the 721 started life with slow rebooting software, 5 minutes reboot. to a unreal over 20 minutes...
at the time i had some insider contacts, and such issues created endless troubles.
like my wife at the time put in tons of timers for cooking shows.
my 721 went into a continious endless reboot nervous breakdown mode. didnt clear till the timers fired
all because the software department never got around to setting a limit on the most number of time recordings. something thats pretty basic.
i also discovered my 721 could not download software when brand new foro 100/119. i had 4 or 5 721s here, tech support didnt have a clue......
till someone from the software group, reading my posts said get different lnb...
dish drove me away thru fees, but it was stuff like this that led to my departure
when i was at the echostar 6 launch as a vip guest i was told a pirate was attending. the launch the problem was they didnt know who the pirate was.....
dish was concerened for my physical safety since i had made a suggestion to screw with pirates, and they were concerned the pirates might try to get even....
my contact who made the slates for the charlie chats was a wonderful inside contact, he helped me win a couple nice dinners when i bet with dan collins and he lost

good old 007
my most memorable leak was being just a few days early on mike dugans retirement, caused a mess in the pr department, i always called him uncle mike, a reporter at a press conference asked if he was really my uncle...