All I can do is monitor it and hope when it really starts to act up (which it does) I can get Direct on the phone and they see it too. Otherwise maybe a receiver swap is in order although I just went down that road a few months back and it was a pain more than anything. I really don't think it is on my end. I checked my LNBF connections and redid them too. Everything looks fine. If it was some kind of signal issue I would think you would see quality dip when it happens, it don't. Intermittent problems are the hardest to track down, always has been. With these companies proving your case so they look into it is half the battle.
tvropro said:I was looking at that chart the other day. I noticed there are a lot of sport channels in that mux. I bet Direct cranked the VBR up on those and there is nothing left for the others, and Nick runs into bit starving. Thats what it looks like to me. Wish I had the tools to read the stream and prove that point.
tvropro said:There are 4 places the problem can lie. LNBF, Receiver, at the master feed upiink, or at Directs NOC. Dealing with Direct is like dealing with any other stupid cable company. It's a joke when there are issues and their equipment.. This is why I always liked C band since you cut out that cable middleman and could get to the bottom of things faster yourself. There technical staff for the most part are a bunch of trained seals that can read from a screen or turn a wrench. They don't pay what they would have to to maintain the expertise required to truly trouble shoot. Button pushers and parts changers are a dime a dozen. I wonder how many in NOC are nominds also? I have met some headend techs that didn't have a clue of what they were doing.
How come my installer didn't care about installing my system and said I could do better myself when he saw my setup and left me the stuff. He was more interested in seeing what was on my big dish.Which he was in awe about and the quality of the picture. He thought everything was HD even SD. He asked me why I was even getting DirecTv. (that one is simple, its because of pizza and cable they axed our subs down on the big dish)
Getting back to the original issue I was watching it yesterday and it didn't mess up at all. So once again it will be a pain to solve but with time and effort I will resolve it and I bet a lot faster then if Direct sent 100 so called service techs out here.
You have to look at Direct as nothing more than cable on a stick. Wonder why I fired my cable company in 1987 and went to a bud? Now I remember.
Once again, you bitch and complain about a service ... yet you keep it and complain when it IS working perfect and again when its not.....
How you can expect every tech to know about equipment they have never dealt with is also amazing.
Do you have a complete D* set up anywhere ?
THAT I would expect them to service, not 2 different technologies mixed together.
I asked a few questions such as what receivers, lnb's & dish styles ones that didn't see issues were using. I got no input. Whats the big secret?
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