Just came in today by priority mail. Will start playing with it after the initial full charge.I just bought one on eBay. Expecting delivery in a few days.
Just came in today by priority mail. Will start playing with it after the initial full charge.I just bought one on eBay. Expecting delivery in a few days.
It even detects DVB-S2 signal, but doesn't lock it. Based on my preliminary test, its worth the money.Seems like interest in this meter is growing and I am sure there are two factors. One is the price and the second is how fast it locks onto a signal (fastest in the industry is what they say).
I am curious if this will cause the other meters to drop in price if they start to see their sales decline due to sales increasing on this meter.
There is quality signal displayed. During my test, I used a known working DVB-S2 signal which displays fine on my AZBox. It displayed the signal and Quality, but there was no lock. It should also be noted that the DVB-S2 quality kind of fluctuated.How can it give you a signal quality without a lock?
Finally had a chance to take it out of the box. Just curious but there are two male RG6 connectors on the top of the FS1 which require a double female connector (included) to allow you to connecto to a cable. Is this how they all come? Just wondering why they didn't put a female connector rather than use an adapter.
...in case you booger up the threads of the F-81 (double female)...then you can change it....
Thanks for bringing that up. I meant to ask the same question a few days back, too. I will check my email to see if they have acknowledged my registration. Maybe, you have to be registered to get access to that firmware.exe?its raining here today so can't do to much but thought I'd figure out FS1. In the readme it says,
"Run FS1 firmware.exe
Hold the Load/dB key of the meter and power on the meter to enter the engineering mode.
Select the correct COM port and click Open.
Click Download to program the firmware."
Where do you get the FS1 firmware.exe file?
On the website there is a driver software and some other stuff but I'm not seeing firmware.
Thanks for bringing that up. I meant to ask the same question a few days back, too. I will check my email to see if they have acknowledged my registration. Maybe, you have to be registered to get access to that firmware.exe?
Edit: I just emailed them about the "FS1 firmware.exe" file. I will update as soon as i get any response.
Hi Stargazer. I have the same issue. Just bought the newest FS1-ProHD to point my DiSH Satellite Dish while RV-ing. I couldn't get the FS to work, so used the Hopper Receiver to Point. Now I'm trying to get the FS to lock, so that I don't need the Hopper the next time I setup camp. I was wondering what settings you are using. Thanks for your help! KarlLyngsat is the best site to get the frequencies, SR, LO, etc. I am curious what the best settings would be though in which it would recognize 119 and not neighboring satellites such as 110, 129 so that it does not say that it is locking on the nearby ones. Same thing I am wondering about with the Glorystar ones.
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