I remember ftping MOSAIC browser code and compiling the source code on a Unix system around 1991. And of course there was a text based browser also, but cant remember the name. We've come along way from 10-16yrs ago....
I actually have; when Firefox started to become popular I made the decision to stop using IE a a "backup" and my bank Well Fargo had such a sniffer in place; it took at 6-9 mos but they finally got the message and Firefox was able to brows accurately. BUT I get your point.
I don't set corporate policy for that kind of stuff...
Thanks, J K. I've installed IE Tab and will give it a try.
One place to see a bit of a difference (overwriting) is: Tech Portal : Tech Depot
ON Edit: Interesting. Look at this site in both IE and Firefox rendering. IE gives 3 choices, FF 5.
Still looking for that Dish tech site that did not work in FF. Maybe they've fixed it.
Sorry, I have tried and tried to use Firefox. Love parts of it but the problem is, no matter how good of a browser it may be, Many webpages are simply not compatable and do not display correctly on it. Until Firefox is able to be fully compatable with IE built webpages, I will use IE. Why make my internet browsing complicated with having to change browsers back and forth????
I used Netscape back in the day on my OS/2 box. I miss that operating system!
I can't remember the last time I had compatibility issues with FF.
I used it back in college on power pc's, I had forgotten about mosaic. Back in the late 90's netscape was the browser to use and it was great but then it went past version 4 and tumbled down hill rather fast.
FF wont work with my companies benefits website at all, the website stops you before you can step foot on the main page.
I wonder if another company or orginization will try t
o pick it up and revamp it, would be nice to see it born again.
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