Thanks for the update, John. Personally I have a cap on what I'm willing to pay for Satellite Radio. Any more than that and I'll cancel. I have several large capacity USB drives loaded with music that I own to satisfy my needs if it gets to that point.
Thanks for the update, John. Personally I have a cap on what I'm willing to pay for Satellite Radio. Any more than that and I'll cancel. I have several large capacity USB drives loaded with music that I own to satisfy my needs if it gets to that point.
same here i have a cap on what i'll pay for sat radio and i see no value in it at all. i have 8 512 gb thumb drives that i can load music onto for my needs. best thing with that is no annoying DJ'S. sxm seems like a pay per use mp3 player. i would never pay 30.00 for radio LOL
Thanks for the update, John. Personally I have a cap on what I'm willing to pay for Satellite Radio. Any more than that and I'll cancel. I have several large capacity USB drives loaded with music that I own to satisfy my needs if it gets to that point.
don't forget to call in and threaten to cancel. for a better deal!!! . i haven't paid full price since 2008 nor would i . i don't know how in the hell they think radio's worth 30.00 a month!!!