OK I'm a DirecTV newbie but had Dish network for 10 years. Not familiar with these remotes at all. Had a fresh install last night when the guy left everything worked great. This Am I wake up and I can't get the remote to work on my one receiver. The switch on the top is all the way to the left. I can only turn the receiver on and off none of the features work. It will turn on my TV as well but none of the receiver functions work on the remote. If it flip the switch all the way to the right I can use the remote to change my TV channels and volume etc.. Flip it back to the left and nothing I'm stuck on one channel. all the buttons work on the receiver but not from the remote. The receiver is a D12-100 what am I missing? The user manual sucks. need some help guys/gals. 
Also best place to buy an extra remote like this other then E-bay. I have this receiver split to a TV in my basement so need a remote for down there as well. Thx again.

Also best place to buy an extra remote like this other then E-bay. I have this receiver split to a TV in my basement so need a remote for down there as well. Thx again.