Oh !
I see it is. Winegard 1m .
Where is a good place to buy this equipment ? Do you have a trusted shop you buy your equipment from ?
Thanks so much.
Welcome to Satellite Guys! I can also recommend the Maverick MK1-PLL lnbf from Michael Electronics ( Welcome to Michael Electronics ). As far as a receiver if you are just looking for a good basic receiver the the Amiko Mini HD265 would be a good choice ( Welcome to Michael Electronics ). Site says only two left. Another receiver that is getting very good recommendations here is the Edision OS Mio 4K ( Titanium Satellite - Store ). 4k capable. This one has a higher learning curve but from what I read it does just about everything but make breakfast for you. I am hoping to get one.hey all,
I'm new here.
I got this dish for free from the top of a church. I guess it was used for some Christian satellite stuff.
View attachment 139109
What LNB and receivers do you recommend for FTA use ?
Thanks in advance !
Is there a way to connect the output feeds and view them on a Roku or other streaming device ?
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