Me too. I give up.
Software says i have good signal strength (the usual 33% stuff) but silence. If I jiggle the antenna around i sporadically get sound for awhile. Possibly a bad antenna. I dunno. I give up.
Now that they stream stern, I am (starting today) doing the following:
1) launch a browser, go to, start stern streaming.
2) use replay a/v to do a "what u hear" recording scheduled at the appropriate time (we'll see if it works; my testing looked good).
Reasons for this:
1) tt makes us stay connected to the internet (for some goofy reason), anyway, so no advantage for tt there
2) tt won't record unless it is running (i.e.: it doesn't go away and just launch itself at the appropriate time.) no advantage for tt there.
3) tt crashes my machine fairly regularly. Sometimes it records silence (even giving it the benefit of the doubt and blaming my hardware, it's still annoying). Often i get random reboots, other times BSOD's. Sometimes just freezes. Sometimes it crashes and leaves the radio running.
4) right now, because sirius added the thing where you have to type in a code, replay a/v cannot record the stream silently; you have to "listen" to what you are recording. TT has the same requirement anyway. And i spoke to replay and they are looking at a fix to allow direct-stream capture for sirius again.
5) tt is dangerous on my dual-core athlon x2 machine, causing severe low-level resets that actually cause my system to make popping/cracking sounds.
6) even if i prefer to use an external sirius radio, i can do so with replay a/v.
The downside of replay a/v seems to be less flexibility in choosing bitrates for the recordings. I am trying 128 and i may LAME it down to something more manageable.
I only tried a 1-minute recording so far, so we'll see if this setup works for a 5+ hour recording (i'll know in about 2.5 hours