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reluctant and uninformed installers

elocs said:
Like I said, I think he could figure that the complaint came from me. As for getting paid, that was one of his complaints about Voom--that they only pay $42 per call and he inferred that they don't pay promptly. He was willing to get me a new antenna, but it seemed more so he could prove that it would not work and that I should go with Dish.
If worst came to worst, I would rather have him than somebody that did not know what they are doing. I wonder if he is getting a kickback from Dish? I do know more about what is going on with Voom than he does.

Well i can tell you this i have never not been paid on time for a voom job i didn't it is cause i didn't send my paperwork in by Monday morning . But if you sent it in by Monday it like clock work it goes into your checking account the following Tuesday no later than Wed.
This is true he may only get paid 42.00 for coming out on a service call BUT you can also bet if he sell you a Dish. He get a kick back of about 100.00 plus the install so yeah i sure he is going to try to get you to go a different route like i said before more money in his pocket. And i sure the reason you now more about voom than him is he is not interesting in installing voom he goes and try to talk all of his customer into buying a different dish so he can make more money. WONDER how many times he has got customer to change there mined???
TYORK said:
Well i can tell you this i have never not been paid on time for a voom job i didn't it is cause i didn't send my paperwork in by Monday morning . But if you sent it in by Monday it like clock work it goes into your checking account the following Tuesday no later than Wed.
This is true he may only get paid 42.00 for coming out on a service call BUT you can also bet if he sell you a Dish. He get a kick back of about 100.00 plus the install so yeah i sure he is going to try to get you to go a different route like i said before more money in his pocket. And i sure the reason you now more about voom than him is he is not interesting in installing voom he goes and try to talk all of his customer into buying a different dish so he can make more money. WONDER how many times he has got customer to change there mined???

I too wonder how many people he may have talked out of getting Voom. It's hard to say. That is defintely something Voom should look into. With installers like that, who needs enemies?
elocs, I'm a bit confused. Are you looking for NBC or FOX? I have only your zip to go by, but according to NBC digital is not available. FOX is and, along with ABC and PBS, should be picked up by the standard Voom-supplied antenna.
elocs, The installer who came out to install voom did not install a antenna. He also tried to get me to sign up for Direct TV. The owner at Four Corners Satellite also refused to install an upgrade. They also bad mouth Voom. The installer should have installed the OTA and he does not suppose to talk other dish companies. In Install Inc policy it states all of this. TYork can help you out. Do not blame Voom for this. They have a great product. There are a few installers that make Voom look bad. By the way CSR at Voom told me that they will have alot more HD channels by 3-1-2005 and Voom will be operating for sometime. I love my Voom.
greyghost said:
elocs, I'm a bit confused. Are you looking for NBC or FOX? I have only your zip to go by, but according to NBC digital is not available. FOX is and, along with ABC and PBS, should be picked up by the standard Voom-supplied antenna.

I am trying to get NBC. is wrong about my area. When I was first looking to get Voom last May it said that my local Fox was broadcasting hd when it has only done so very recently. It also does not show NBC station WEAU in Eau Claire as being hd when it was the first one in my area to go hd. My problem with getting WEAU is that it is about 66 miles away and in the wrong direction from my other stations. I was looking to get an antenna upgrade when I got the Dish pitch from the installer. He claimed that I could never get WEAU without hurting the other stations although WEAU claims it can be received in the downtown of my city (La Crosse).

Here is another site that I tried which shows all of the stations that can be received based upon the number of miles inputted:

It has my longitude and latitude, but it can be changed for any place. It is a neat place to check out.
voom1 said:
elocs, The installer who came out to install voom did not install a antenna. He also tried to get me to sign up for Direct TV. The owner at Four Corners Satellite also refused to install an upgrade. They also bad mouth Voom. The installer should have installed the OTA and he does not suppose to talk other dish companies. In Install Inc policy it states all of this. TYork can help you out. Do not blame Voom for this. They have a great product. There are a few installers that make Voom look bad. By the way CSR at Voom told me that they will have alot more HD channels by 3-1-2005 and Voom will be operating for sometime. I love my Voom.

I do not blame Voom, although they need to get a handle on using installers who are pushing their competition instead of doing the job for Voom.
I have given up on having my current antenna replaced and having to use one with an amp and a rotor and an attenuator just to receive 1 channel.
My thought is to use a second antenna to get NBC, even if it is only sd. That way I can get rid of cable once and for all.
TYORK said:
did you get a service call set up for the antenna yet?

I had one for last Monday (14th), but I cancelled it. Not only was it the installer's attitude, but I had advice from another poster at AVS that I would need a big antenna and a rotor. The installer said pretty much the same thing and that the NBC station would interfere with the others.
After thinking about it, I do not want a big antenna with a rotor just to get one station.
I will probably get a second sd antenna to get NBC and the other sd channels so I do not have to watch what I record.
"NBC station would interfere with the others"

Can someone explain how?

Still VOOMing even if it's too sunny in Seattle, Gill
TYORK said:
Have you ever meet Jeff?

No , but deal with him pretty much on a daily basis lately trying to take care of the issues Installs seems to be sending my way. :rolleyes: Chasing for money and all that good stuff. LOL

How long you been doing Installs work? I was originally Amerilink sub that came over in the sale.

I think who ever told you that it would interfere didnt explain what they meant properly, its not that it will interfere, but the larger or stronger antenna you have with more db of gain, gives you the opportunity to pull in more distant staions, thus the possibility of pulling stations that are along the same rough frequency, causing interferance in your signal quality.

Every area is different, but on the whole in my area, UHF signals along the range of 50 miles as your talking about, really start to get iffy anyways.
NiFi said:
I think who ever told you that it would interfere didnt explain what they meant properly, its not that it will interfere, but the larger or stronger antenna you have with more db of gain, gives you the opportunity to pull in more distant staions, thus the possibility of pulling stations that are along the same rough frequency, causing interferance in your signal quality.

Every area is different, but on the whole in my area, UHF signals along the range of 50 miles as your talking about, really start to get iffy anyways.

I think that was the gist of it. The NBC station is 58 miles to the NE and is uhf channel 39 and the CBS station is 17 miles to the NW and is uhf channel 41. My best hope for hd ota for NBC is probably a different station in Rochester, MN, which is 66 miles to my W, but they have towers much closer to me that broadcast a uhf signal which hopefully one day will be an hd signal.
No , but deal with him pretty much on a daily basis lately trying to take care of the issues Installs seems to be sending my way. Chasing for money and all that good stuff. LOL

How long you been doing Installs work? I was originally Amerilink sub that came over in the sale.

Jeff is a good guy. Been working with him about 6 years now work with him at Amerilink also.
Installer from Hades--worse than I feared--NO VOOM today!

bookwalk said:
I ordered VOOM last week and told the CSR that I needed an upgraded OTA and dish (for rain fade)--the Installer came out to get a line of sight and then started getting a little beligerent about the install--I have no idea why. He could see we live in a dip and are 45 miles from the 2 Locals we will get and about 20 miles from the PBS local (but in the opposite direction).

He then tried to tell me that running cable that will be buried later (not by him, but by us) would be $20 extra and I said, no--not if it does not go over 125', which it should not, as our house is only 44' wide and only 40' from where the antenna will go to where it will finally go into the house and then another 40' back through the house to the room with HD tv.

He then changed the original install date we had set for Mar 7 (we needed time to get a HDTV, phone line changed, etc, etc and my husband needed to be here to help run it through the basement) and said --no he could not wait that long and had to do it next week. I said no--that will not work.

He then went into a tirade about how VOOM will be gone in a month--FCC will shut it down and there will be no more VOOM--he wanted to make sure I knew that.

I felt like I should apologize to him for ordering VOOm, which I will never do.

When he left, I called VOOM and explained what happened and they checked and sure enough he did not upgrade me to the better OTA antenna and had changed the install date to Feb 17. I asked them if they knew something I didn't based on his assumptions of VOOM's DOOM. They said they knew of the buy-out, etc, but reading this forum--VOOm in some form will be around.

So, anyway--I hope I can endure this installer's practices and wanted to make sure there would be no hidden extras. The antennas will go on the corner of the house--he said that using a corner brace or bracket would cost me $100--I was surprised--I told him it had to go on the corner as there was no plywood underneath.

I just want to get VOOM installed and am now shopping for HDTV. I am glad there is this forum--if I didn't know better from today's posts, I would have been intimidated by him and cancelled my order.

I don't understand how an independent installer like this can be so beligerent about VOOM--he installs other dishes and it is very strange.

I am new to this forum and again, I hope my neighbors ask me about it--I plan to have a VOOM party when this is all done--and then tell them all about it and hope this installer from H----- will find another job!

I posted the above about 10 days ago and I tried to be cooperative with the installer--he wanted to install before March 7. So, we stayed home today, Feb 21, to make sure everything was in order for the install--luckily both my husband and I were home.

What a nightmare! He came with no upgrade for the OTA and since we bought our HDTV, we found that an omni-directional antenna would easily pull in a PBS-HD station 25 miles away. So I called VOOM and they said it had to be the low-grade Winegard Sensor had to be installed first and then he would come back.

Also, he did not install it where he first said he would--which was on the corner of the house--and where he did the line of sight. Before we knew it, he had drilled holes into various places in our vinyl siding and then installed several feet from the corner, in a very unsightly position on our house and then left holes visible drilled in the siding of our house!!!!

We pointed out that he was not installing it where he promised from his advance visit--and that we would have to pay extra for any multi-directional antenna (Antenna webs says that, for the stations we need, we can use the (red-highlighted) most basic omni directional.

He then became irate and said that he was leaving and taking the equipment back off the house (leaving many gaping holes)--we argued with him as to why in the world would he do something like that? He said he has the option to not do the install if he likes.

We then went inside to call 1800 Get Voom and explained all this to the CSR. My husband had also helped him out by drilling the hole into the access point to the inside of the house.

He continued to assure us that VOOM would be out of business March 1 and that no more installs would be done after that. I asked him how many VOOM he had installed-he said 150 and the latest one was day before yesterday.

I can't believe this!

He finally finished installing, after we told him that the CSR said that another trip would be made to upgrade the OTA, once we determine that the basic Winegard Sensor would not pull in the HD stations within 45 miles.

He continued to be argumentative, beligerent, irate and we had prepared to tip him nicely when he finished.

WELL, no VOOM today--after his install, he could not get the VOOM receiver satellite icon to turn green--he kept turning it off and on, maybe a dozen times. It's as if he planned for this to be a failure--and it was.

He finally did some troubleshooting with Installers, Inc (I guess) and found that power was not going from the receiver to the dish.

A diplexer was installed I noticed.

So, he said--well, too bad--you will have to call VOOM about the receiver and then he left!!!

So, we called VOOM and the CSR said--ok--you'll have to wait another 10 business days to get a replacement and it will be sent to that same installer.

DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW I CAN GET A DIFFERENT INSTALLER--or can we get the receiver sent to us to install ourselves?

This is a horrible nightmare--I highly doubt the second receiver will work either--

So--we have a bum receiver and no VOOM or HD tv--and a dish installed where we didn't want it and holes in our house he did not patch up.

I would say, for South East South Dakota (where the largest city Sioux Falls lies), there needs to be another alternative for installation of VOOM.

My blood pressure has risen about 100 points and no matter what we said to this character, he became defensive and I am really afraid to be here alone when he comes back to try to put the receiver 2nd receiver in.

OH, and on top of everything--he refused to ground the entire satellite system!!!!! Maybe that's why the VOOM receiver blew its top before it even was activated!
TYORK said:
all you have to do is report this installer to the right people and i can promise that he will treat you better.

I guess I didn't find the "right people" because he did not treat us any better and we have no VOOM at all--who are the "right people"?
Nightmares must have an end--I guess I am about to give up on getting VOOM. It turns out the installer turned in a malicious (outright lies and libel) report to his supervisor about our "abusing" him, which, as my husband is a witness I or he did not do.

Anyway--they are, according to Install, inc, refusing to come out and replace the bad VOOM receiver or finish the install.

Also found out the satellite is not properly aligned, as signal of 82 is not enough, yet he went ahead and finished the install with that lack of peaking.

Also, we found out the VOOM box is an old one--with a serial number not of the new vintage of 0859, so my question is--is there someway for VOOM to trace whether a certain serial number VOOM box sent to an installer is actually the one installed?

So, unless somebody can pull some strings, we are stuck with this VOOM system--holes in the house, bad VOOM box . I have made repeated calls to VOOM CSR and Installs, Inc and Install, Inc has in their notes not to let the previous installer return to finish the job and that a new installer probably would not finish someone else's install--the replacement receiver "may" be sent to the original installer, but no guarantees.

A VOOM rep tried to create a new install, but, his computer will not allow that because the old one is not complete and can't generate a repair work order, because we are not yet activated.

Does ANYONE have any suggestions? What is Charlie Dolan's email address?

VOOM party cancelled for our neck of the woods. Back to my C-band.
Bookwalk, I know someone who is going to be very pissed when I post this on the VOOM/Yahoo forum! He is Wilt, their engineering VP. Please post there as well. He will get action. I'd guess you'll get a call by tomorrow.

Can't believe what that installer put you through. I'd be calling a lawyer by now (and I don't believe in lawsuits!).

TYORK, is one of the great installers and should be able to get you help as well!

On my way to the VOOM/Yahoo forum, Gill
Voom needs to weed out these bad installers. I wonder how many of them are perfectly willing to do a shoddy Voom installation in order to eventually sell a Dish or DTV installation to the customer and make more money? Voom offers a high quality service--more hd than anybody else has to offer.
The installer is probably the only representative of Voom that the customer will ever meet face to face, so the installation needs to be done well and professionally with respect for the customer. Voom's numbers are still too small and so they need to stand out in customer service and satisfaction.
That will go a long way towards increasing their subscriber numbers.
I forgot to mention that we banned our first bunch of installers. Every time they returned things got worse. It is now in official VOOM records--CSRs who have read the files tell me this--that the installation company out of Portland is never to set foot on our property again. And they haven't.

However, VOOM has always responded and we've had every problem resolved to our satisfaction. Yes, it does take some work including emails, telephone calls and waiting on installers but we've been...

enjoying HDTV since Dec. '03 even under clear, cloudless and rainless Seattle skies such as this evening, Gill & Alex

Crap antenna installed

Set to get installed Feb 21st

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