If they can't show you proof of how the $ 300 was accounted for, I would not pay it.hobojoe said:i have changed both address and phone. i gave them both for the time i was with them. i was there for a couple of years after going to dishnetwork. with no contact after from them. they say the last 2 months were not paid but had no further info nor do i. you would have though they would have said something the last time i called and after 10 years most company's right it off to collections. the whole thing is very weird and scary its got me checking my credit report. the sad thing is they don't seem to want to work with me on it. i told them i could see maybe the last month some how didn't get charged but the rest was on auto pay. and no bills from them??? i talked to billing/retention/and in house collections. I'm going to call again on Monday.
You have a new address and a new phone number, contact a dealer and try signing up as a new customer. You will have a 2 yr. commitment if you want HD but I bet without the old information you won't owe anything.hobojoe said:yes i agree or at min a serious billing error. they all say if i pay the $300 i will restart service as if it was yesterday i was shut off, back to no contract. i like that! i think i want some kind of compromise and they wont budge if i don't pay i don't get service. I'm going to propose i pay them $200 they get me new equipment. i want the 5lnb dish and there newest hd/dvr/tivo. and only a year contract. they eat the $100+equipment upgrade. is that fair? any suggestions?
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