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**Rumor:** Dish Network and Voom combined? | Page 4 | SatelliteGuys.US

**Rumor:** Dish Network and Voom combined?

Carter said:
Kfried, Cox in PHX just added KSAZ-DT (FOX), KSAW-DT (WB) and INHD2. They have had INHD, STARZ-HD, Showtime-HD, HBO-HD, ESPN-HD and Discovery-HD for a while now. They do not have Cinemax-HD.
Yeah I was misled by a sales rep. I called because I would like inhd1 & 2. I called agai to verify the channels and was told that they don't have Cinemax, but the others are definately HD. I just received a flyer on my door today that shows CBS, WB, PBS, FOX, NBC and ABC in HD, not DT.
calikarim said:
This is a rumour going out of control. voom will remain stand alone. I think they are goingt to fight it out alone. I honestly believe there will be no merger, or news would have already leaked out. These are all great imaginary wishes. They are sadly not in the near future. HD is till two years away from its prime, so Voom will have to battle it out for at least the next 18 months
I just hope they win the battle. I can't imagine TV without VOOM anymore.
I don't see this garnering negative antitrust attention as D* is a solid #1 and is getting stronger by the day. They actually will encourage the deal to make sure E* stays a healthy alternative to D*.
This probably belongs in the stock forum. I would move it if I could.

Buyt thuis rumor has been around since the merger failed. It is logical. But I dont see us being able to confiorm or deny it.
I really don't care what happens, as long as we continue to gain HD service at reasonable prices. Although it is kind of cool to have the latest greatest satellite service, I wouldn't mind subscribing to a different one if it had the HD content.

BobMurdoch said:
I don't see this garnering negative antitrust attention as D* is a solid #1 and is getting stronger by the day. They actually will encourage the deal to make sure E* stays a healthy alternative to D*.

But it's not like D* has a BIG lead on E*, what is it a few million? And when you take into account what the read is on Charlie and Capitol Hill in maybe it wouldn't the the slam dunk that some think it would be.
Has anyone found out if this is even true? Is there any proof? I called VOOM and asked and the guy knew nothing of it but said his manager wanted to know where I heard the news so I gave him this site.
FreddyvsJasonvsAsh said:
Has anyone found out if this is even true? Is there any proof? I called VOOM and asked and the guy knew nothing of it but said his manager wanted to know where I heard the news so I gave him this site.
AT this point it is only speculation. BTW, I've heard rumors of other potential VOOM buyers including Bill Gates (Microsoft), Mark Cuban and even Donald Trump :D
I am convinced I know what will be happening- to a point. Think about it. Cablevision got into this thing to make money and the pundits attacked from day one saying it was a bad idea. This means when they spin it off it will probably be a penny stock and not worth much. Subscribers haven't poured out of the woodwork yelling "I want my HD" so that has been VERY disappointing as well. So, in comes D* telling everyone "you don't need Voom, we'll have 500 HD channels soon". All of this together means the spun off company is destined to fail since it will be effectively worthless in the market.
However, E* has to have two things to combat D*: HD programming and more transponders. Voom has both (not to mention it makes Charlie not look as foolish for making the "no compelling content" remark). So here is what I think seems the most feasible: E* buys Voom. And, it has to be before the spinoff so they don't have to ask for approval. Voom's HD becomes part of E*'s HD offereings and that's it- no stand alone Voom. That's the likely scenario.
I'll also bet E* would love toget this InHD issue done and force InHD to sell programming to Voom- they could then "merge" Voom with E* and get InHD for E* as well.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But, I still love my Voom.
Voom service rep said Nonsense Dish is buying voom

I called the voom service rep and he talked to his manager and said they were all laughing at the rumour. It is not true Dish is not buying out voom. Voom is going it alone, he said, and they are agresssively marketing for Christmas. Dvr out by mid December is what they speculate.
calikarim said:
I called the voom service rep and he talked to his manager and said they were all laughing at the rumour. It is not true Dish is not buying out voom. Voom is going it alone, he said, and they are agresssively marketing for Christmas. Dvr out by mid December is what they speculate.
Ahhh one of those CSR managers that has is hand on the pulse of the company. O SURE, he knows, listen to him. He will find out when we do, but for him it will probably be a pink slip. LMAO
calikarim said:
I called the voom service rep and he talked to his manager and said they were all laughing at the rumour. It is not true Dish is not buying out voom. Voom is going it alone, he said, and they are agresssively marketing for Christmas. Dvr out by mid December is what they speculate.
Actually, this confirms the buyout. why? because, based on past experience, usually the opposite of what a CSR says come to be truth :haha :D
Seriously, we've been speculating a buyout because we suspect that something is going on between E* and V*. However, it's possible that it is not about a buyout. It may be simply that E* and V* are partnering to offer HD locals in major US markets using MVDDS ;)
Personally, I think many of us are speculating simply because VOOM has been in a lengthy quite period, for obvious Spin-Off reasons, while so many things are pending implementation...both this quarter and next.

1. DVR was said to be available in late summer...then 3rd we are 1/3rd into the 4th Quarter and still no word regarding its status or even a status regarding its future status.

2. Documents filed with the SEC, and briefed to the Board of Directors, led us to believe that new customers, at a minimum, would be receiving the "Bigger Dish" starting in the 4th Quarter in order to receive programming on SES Americom (lease started on 1 Oct).

3. Likewise, VOOM is now 25 days into its lease with SES Americom and still no indication as to what they are going to do with the new transponders and how it will improve our overall VOOM experience. The SEC Form 10 filing states they are going live with the new SES transponders in January. Of course, we customers need a Bigger Dish in order to take advantage of any such programming on the new Sat.

4. Once again the SEC Form 10, VOOM states it anticipates migrating SD channels to MPEG-4 during the 1st Quarter 2005...thus, doubling their SD capacity; HD channels are to be migrated during 4th Quarter 2005.

Since VOOM plans to increase the price of their basic service by $10 starting in January, I would assume we would have a working DVR and additional SD and HD channels at that time.

Have Rainbow 1's transponders been fully loaded? Can they support any more SD/HD channels without impacting PQ?
riffjim4069 said:
Since VOOM plans to increase the price of their basic service by $10 starting in January, I would assume we would have a working DVR and additional SD and HD channels at that time.

I think this comment says it all.....who thinks VOOM can survive if they do nothing by the increase? Not me. Its going on November and no DVR and no new programming ....and if Jan rolls around with the same programming and still no DVR , how will they keep their current customer base....and how will they attract new customers?
vinnyv07 said:
I think this comment says it all.....who thinks VOOM can survive if they do nothing by the increase? Not me. Its going on November and no DVR and no new programming ....and if Jan rolls around with the same programming and still no DVR , how will they keep their current customer base....and how will they attract new customers?

I agree. My VaVaVoom is locked at $79.50 until Jan 1, '05. If they raise the fee by $10 per month I am back with Dish and a 921 PVR. Less HD but at least you know what you are getting now and in the future. Charlie is pretty straight forward with his plans and time tables when the Chats air. Voom is quite clandestine when it comes to information. Only the rumor mill. No facts to back anything up until the sh*t hits the fan.
The lease of TP's on AMC6 went nowhere. I checked Lingsat and the MPG/DVB websites and there is no mention of any new HD activity by Voom or Rainbow. If they are leasing the TP's then I would expect at least a test card going to get the data streams dialed in. Nothing, nota, zilch activity in this area. I am under the assumption Voom is in it's death throws and the bailing is not keeping up with the sinking ship. Expect a letter from Dish welcoming aboard Dish in Jan due to the buyout that is inevitable to salvage any of the investor money Voom has spent.
Indy said:
Charlie is pretty straight forward with his plans and time tables when the Chats air.

LMAO, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

Anyone else in FL get higher sales tax?

PQ improvements on Equator-HD?

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