I don't have a land line, are others seeing this as well?
I don't have a land line, are others seeing this as well?
I rec'd the update a few days ago and just tried this -- I'm not seeing it. Does it indicate that one of the items is a DVR event ? Or do you just have to know it is ?
I rec'd the update a few days ago and just tried this -- I'm not seeing it. Does it indicate that one of the items is a DVR event ? Or do you just have to know it is ?
Yes it says DVR right under the icon. Maybe you have watched four different channels since the last DVR recording you watched. I will try a test out now.
There is (or al least there was) a setting for the recall to either give you a choice of recalls or just go back to last viewed. If you're set to the "old school" behavior, you might not see the DVR choice.
All is well. I played back a DVR event, stopped it to watch live TV, and tried the recall and it displays as described (didn't select it to see how it works further).
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
All is well. I played back a DVR event, stopped it to watch live TV, and tried the recall and it displays as described (didn't select it to see how it works further).
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
Yes, I tried it a bit later after posting earlier. I was hoping the default action would be to just start playing (resume) with no interaction.
Wish it could recall the program (and position) from the EHD.
The EHD position gets erased after a reboot and thus you cannot know whether you have viewed that program let alone start where you left off. Not doing as well as it used to nor as well as the 722.
Another reason I've stuck with my 722. I can watch and resume a DVR title while it's recording, as long as I'm watching from the tv location that isn't doing the recording.My theory is that the recording must finish for the resume to work is that it must have a reference point between the start and finish.
Another reason I've stuck with my 722. I can watch and resume a DVR title while it's recording, as long as I'm watching from the tv location that isn't doing the recording.
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