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Satellite Dish on Utility Pole | SatelliteGuys.US

Satellite Dish on Utility Pole


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 1, 2004
New Jersey
This seems like a silly question, however, my landlord in the house I just moved into is asking if I can try and have my satellite dish (dish network dish as well as the superdish) placed 18" up on the utility pole outside of the house on his property. He said that he has seen other places where this was done and thought it might be a good idea.

This seems pretty strange to me since he doesn't "own" the pole. I figured I would ask to see if anyone has seen this done or if they see a reason why this cannot be done. I plan to have an installer come out (moving the service from my previous location) so he may not even be able to do this even if it is allowed. Please post any comments on this.

If it cannot be done, it won't be a problem installing it on the roof though he just wants to exhaust all other possibilities.
i think must installer will only install on a pole like that if it belongs to the own such as in a trailor court but most post like that on you land does not belong to you . guess it depends on the installer to.
Utility pole

This varies from place to place. What else is on that pole? Is it just a service drop to a residence, or does it have primary power. telephone, and cable tv for the entire neighborhood? If it's anything but a service drop I'd put the dish someplace else.
If the pole does not belong to the landlord the installer "should" not install it there, here in Minnesota we can be fined $200.00 for installing on a utility pole owned by the power company.
Thats kind of funny. The guy I work with went to a service call today because the power company had been sending this guy letters asking him to remove his dish from the pole. I guess he ignored them and today he got a phone call from his aunt (who works there) and she told him that there was a work order for someone to come out and remove the dish. It's only funny because this is the first time in 2.5 years of installing that has ever happened to us and I am reading about it here. By chance do you live in Randolph Vermont?

We here in Northern VT, Have had a few Dealings with Utility Poles, if it is owned by the utility company we don't have Permission to install, Most of the power companies here, have (lease) agreements to share pole space IE Power, phone, Cable, one local power company, will tear down any object on the pole if it isn't cleared by them, and since they retain ownership of the pole they can do this Hope this helps the discussion. Andy B
You don't see too much of this anymore, but back in the days when telephone and power people used to climb poles, anything on a pole, such as a sign nailed to it was a no-no. It was a safety hazard and could cause the climber to slip and 'burn the pole'.
Now most of them seem to use bucket trucks or ladders.
I see 6 instances of this everyday on my way to work (on the way home too! :). 1 even has the coax stung to the house like normal wires. All 6 have been there for years. Not saying it's legal, no one seems to care though.
I can't say this for all states but I know other states have similar setups to my state, Texas. By law, any pole with an electrified utility attached to it MUST be owned by a state-licensed utitity. If other utilities (cable, etc) are attached, those companies must have prior permission from the utility that owns the pole OR the Public Utility Commission of Texas and they are ONLY allowed to service their equipment. Any service to the poles themselves must be done by (or approved by) the power utility that owns the pole. Additionally, right-of-way is exclusively owned by the power utility (if the pole is owned by the power utility) and tree-clearing must be done by (or approved by) the power utility. Illegally attaching anything to a utility pole (including something as simple as a "reward" sign) can result in a fine of up to $500 per day per illegal attachment.

I wouldn't risk it.

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