First, let me say that I know pretty much nothing about how to use satellite Tv, and even less about how to program it. We stopped using the dish that came with our house about 6 years ago when digital cable became available in our area. Recently we decided to try to use it again to pick up CBC again. We remembered that it was on Satellite Anik D1(and how to get there), but, when we tune to that satellite we can find no programing. looking around at other Satellites that were programed into the dish/receiver we found very few of them had any kind of transmissions on them. Can you still get CBC on C-band dishes? How would we go about finding/programing it? And on a semi side question, is the Satellite called Anik D1 even still around? when i was looking around online for help i noticed that it was launched in 1982(older than me).
I don't know what kind of dish we have other than it is really big. the receiver box we have is a Toshiba Trx-100.
I don't know what kind of dish we have other than it is really big. the receiver box we have is a Toshiba Trx-100.