Now that's a good idea!Assuming you have input switching capability in your HT, put two hoppers there then you have 6 tuners available anywhere with Joeys at the other locations.
It started rolling out last week.So, when does that firmware come out that let's Hopper's see the recordings on each other?
This is big news. Should be a sticky. Now we just need OTA (over the air tuner to get locals not on dish and it will be perfected)
Just to confirm. Hopper One can see recordings on Hopper Two.
Any Joey can see recording on any Hopper (one or two).
Is it the list automatically merged and automated like on DirecTV or do you have select from a menu which Hopper recordings you want to see?
But a merged list is expected on down the road.
Yup its called the Hopper and Joey.right, but I was told that Dish was working on something to fix that...
I'd go with 2 Hoppers and 1 Joey today and add a Joey later for the basement...
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