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Now that's what I'm talking about. They just need the JoeyX2 to go with it and they would have an awesome system!!
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digiblur said:Now that's what I'm talking about. They just need the JoeyX2 to go with it and they would have an awesome system!!
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lakebum431 said:I think he means Hopper times 2 (two hoppers). Right?
What's wrong with the current Joey?
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Well I was bashing the Hopper/Joey when I was still a DishNetwork customer. As soon as I saw the information on the system and how they neutered it and threw it together with only 3 tuners due to costs issues, my mind was made up and went for the 5 tuner "Hopper" from DirecTV with 3 "Joey"s from DirecTV for a grand total of 8 tuners in the house instead of only 3 tuners for 4 TV's. Cheaper monthly cost, more channels, more features, and more tuners. It was a win-win for me. And actually now I have 9 tuners for the 4 TVs for the same monthly cost as I added another DVR to the multi-room viewing.
I'm not sat-racist at all, I can care less which company it comes from, it all comes down to the features and price for me. No way was I going to listen to the wife and kids complain about the 3 tuners every night, not my idea of fun especially for the amount of money you pay every month.
digiblur said:No tuner. Only power users record everything they watch and this system was meant to fit the typical user.
With 2 Hoppers there is no need to have a tuner in the Joey. If they had a tuner in there the unit would be no where near as small as the current one is.
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Turning off a TV does nothing to the receiver. Well, if connected via HDMI, if could auto-off the Joey but I'm not sure if Dish implements that in any receiver(s). I will presume you have to hit the (receiver) "off" button on the remote. Presuming it's a similar remote to what Dish has used for years, there's (2) power buttons. One can be programmed to turn the TV off/on and the other turns the receiver on or puts it in standby (off) mode.If they just turn the TV off the tuner is no longer available to the system?
The Hopper should have had 6 tuners. It should have had OTA today. It should have had 8 tuners. I should have been a millionaire. There should be world peace. I should be a movie star and handsome.
smakovits said:What is the monthly fee per Joey/hopper? I currently have a 722 and 2 211's was thinking maybe just replace the 211's to start.
Also, I know it says that it uses coax, but what about ethernet? is the ethernet connection only for the online content or can it too replace the coax even?
lastly, the $99 fee I assume is just a one time upfront fee and then no matter if I get 1 joey or 10, it is still the same?
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