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SatelliteGuys HAS MOVED again! | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

SatelliteGuys HAS MOVED again!

Connecticut you can go from corner to corner in about 45 minutes. :)
That seems pretty quick for a state that is 90 miles across from West to East. Greenwich to Thompson is about 85ALM and 132 miles as the car flies.

There aren't many places north of Hartford that one might need to go for errands but that is still 83 road miles each way.
Ok here is where I am at now with the new server.

I reloaded the OS and did all the updates. Did most of the config of things (some still needs to be done)

Now I am transferring over all the SatelliteGuys data from the old server to the new server. Once its all there I will set it up so that it is a test site which will allow me to configure it get the AWS stuff working. Once that is working I will test more until I am happy.

Once everything is the way I like them then we will look at moving the site over for real.

But as things are copying I am doing more configuration and prep work. :)
Well Scott, Great work.

I've noticed that screen updates are much snappier!
Job well done!
It just shows that the cost of computing is going down, and providers have to be more competitive to keep their subscriber base.
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A littlle distraction! Timeout.
Well I am feeling a little defeated...

For some reason the server to server keeps failing transferring between machines when it comes to the database portion of things.

So I manually moved things there by hand. I manual dumped the database and copied it over to the new server, imported it and am getting database errors of missing tables...

Such as...
<!-- MySQL statement prepare error [1146]: Table &#039;move_xenforo.xf_upgrade_check&#039; doesn&#039;t exist -->

I don't know enough about databases, but believe my database dumps are complete.

If you have been here for any time you know we have moved servers many times, and I have never run into issues like this. As I said I am feeling defeated.

I am going to try something different tomorrow and see what we get from that. I have contacted Xenforo but they really don't help transferring between servers. I wish I could get them to just look and say yeah the database didn't dump properly or hey you just have a wrong setting....

Tomorrow is another day.
I don't know enough about databases, but believe my database dumps are complete.
What database engine is in play (MariaDB, PostgresQL, MySQL)?

You can dump the whole shebang in MariaDB or MySQL with a couple of mariadb-dump/mysqldump commands.

mariadb-dump [or mysqldump] --all-databases >databases.sql
mariadb-dump --system=all >system.sql

The first command backs up all of the userland databases and tables while the second command (may be MariaDB specific) backs up the stuff that doesn't appear in conventional tables (including users and their associated privileges).

The dumped files are thousands of lines of fundamental SQL commands and are usually very good for jumping multiple database versions.

Just make sure you don't load anything into Excel or Word where the data will almost certainly be fragged by the conversion from UTF-8 (good, universally supported by the Linux kernel) to Windows (UTF-16, bad, bloated, and often irreversible).
Yeah that's what I did. with dumping the database and importing. The size seems right... so I don't know what's going on.

I have a call in to a friend in the UK who may be able to help. But it's already 1 am there. But hey we have the server for another 25+ days before I am billed again for it. So we do have time.
Ok figured out why the database wasn't transferring over properly, because of the large database, the transfer was timing out and thus not copying the full database over. And that explains the database errors and missing things in the database.

I wrote Matt W who hopefully soon can help me with the AWS stuff. He actually set it up for me on the old server. (Not sure why I am having such a problem doing it now when I did it before when I moved to this server.) Yeah having Matt do it will cost me money but I want it done and done right. :)

I actually have a system now, when I can screw around and try fixing it myself, and when what I did didn't work I can revert back to the snapshot I made before I started screwing around. Its NICE to be able to go back. :D
Well some GOOD NEWS.... Without anyone elses help I FIXED IT and got it running. :). It is online now and currently reindexing...

So you are wondering, hows the speed, and I will be honest its hard to tell, since I am the only one on it and we need to build the cache for it to be faster. But for pages that I have already loaded it is fast... but then again this site is fast too...

But we have 6 more CPU cores, 24 GB more of ram, and double the hard drive space all for what we were paying for this old server.

I will explain what the problem was later... and I will also post the url to the test server so you can try it.

We will see how it runs, and if no problems then if my wife does not have my night planned for me, then I will do the upgrade to the new server tomorrow night. :). Expected down time is about an hour.

But I did this transfer twice tonight after getting it working and things went smooth. :)

So stay tuned for the URL. :)
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