Scott Greczkowski said:The new HD Lils will be on 118.7, they are now just waiting for the finished Dishes to come off the production line, hopefully in a few weeks.
I dont think we will see any more LIL HD this year since they kept mentioning that with the addition of these new HD Lil's they are covering 49% of the US population and they said for those that they are not serving to sell them an over the air antenna.
Speaking of another group of HD channels.. Any word on those mysterious additional Voom Channels that were uplinked last year but ended up disapeering off the radar? (cosmo,sizzle,etc)Scott Greczkowski said:The answer to this is YES but not at launch. Looks like the next HD launch they will launch another group of channels again.
Scott Greczkowski said:Welp this is it folks...
I am finally on the plane and headed home. I has a great time in denver and one again thank you to all of you who stopped to say hi to me and even those of you crazy enough to want you picture taken with me.
I hope to see everyone tommorw in our Charley Chat Chat!!
I do hope you enjoyed our coverage of Team Summit!!
stuart628 said:dang it I really hope they uplink cleveland locals as my cbs and nbc are going out due to leaves and summer foilage!
Purogamer said:How come charlie didn't ask scott to stick around and be on the chat?
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