And this is what the BD brain washing machine can do. You guys will never stop the war until you act older than a 19 year old.This is comedy central material :haha
And this is what the BD brain washing machine can do. You guys will never stop the war until you act older than a 19 year old.This is comedy central material :haha
Was my post really that hard to understand? OK, I'll try in bulleted form:So trying to compare HD-DVD stand alone player costs to that of the Playstation3 is just a ridicules argument.
Disc vs. tape? The disc was at least 3 times cheaper...I would guess that when DVD came on line the costs were high in the beginning.
When "Matador" sells some 5,000 copies in hidef, how much do you think the studio made on it?I will wager a guess that the studios are not loosing a penny on the blu-ray disks, their profit margin may be less but I seriously doubt they are losing money.
They are.Wow, and here I thought the war zones most contentious days were behind it......
Same here: paying for HD movies less than BD blanks cost.P.S. Fire sales still abound - got 8 HD DVDs for $60 yesterday online...
I'm sorry I started this thread, I shoulda just accepted my banning and left. heheWow, and here I thought the war zones most contentious days were behind it......
Trouble maker!I'm sorry I started this thread, I shoulda just accepted my banning and left. hehe
And this is what the BD brain washing machine can do. You guys will never stop the war until you act older than a 19 year old.
Geez...First, Sony not only owns movie studios (that is more then one for those that are counting) but they also own multiple gaming studios (once again, more then one for those that are counting). Sony leveraged the cost of the PS3 against their movie and gaming studios. So a big movie or game ends up being put on BD and the PS3 gets Sony a nice cut to help leverage the loss on PS3 sales during its first two years out. So much so that now they are making money on PS3 sales.
And? Did I question this?Hence when Toshiba finally pulled the plug they announced a $900 million dollar loss.
Again... WTF? How do you know?If Toshiba had not of pushed the prices to back door levels and kept the prices at a level where a profit -- even a small one-- could be made I believe other CE manufacturers would of jumped ship (many were looking hard, Samsung, LG and others).
Instead of recommending Vurbano to look in the mirror, do it yourself. Toshiba is not a studio...It that was the case then Toshiba should of chose to lose money on the movies (which they would not of if the cost to produce was really that low) and they would have easily displaced BD in disc sales.
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