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Shaw Broadcast/Shaw Direct will begin launching MPEG-4 test signals on Anik F1R to prepare for ANIK | SatelliteGuys.US

Shaw Broadcast/Shaw Direct will begin launching MPEG-4 test signals on Anik F1R to prepare for ANIK


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 27, 2008

To allow us to continue to provide more HD signals to our customers, Shaw has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in a new satellite - ANIK G1. The expected service date of ANIK G1continues to be near the end of this calendar year. ANIK G1 will have 16 extended ku band national transponders – it will utilize MPEG4 compression technology and will support the equivalent of over one hundred additional HD channels.

ANIK G1 transponders are expected to support approximately 45 Mb per second in throughput vs. the 38.8 Mb per second currently utilized on ANIK F1R and F2. To receive these MPEG 4 signals BDUs can utilize a variety of Motorola equipment, including the DSR-4410MD, DSR-4440, DSR-4460, DSR-6050, or DSR-6100. For further information regarding these units, please contact your equipment supplier.

QT Plus Customers

A 256 QAM channel in cable typically supports 38.8 Mb per second. For Anik G1 customers, this means that there will be approximately 6.2 Mb per second beyond what a 256 QAM channel can handle. In support of our QT Plus customers, we are actively working with Drake to modify their trans-modulator to be able to pick out the 38.8 stat-mux pool of a transponder configured that way. We fully expect these revised trans-modulators to be available well prior to the launch of ANIK G1.

To allow us to robustly test the new configuration of the ANIK G1 transponders, and the revised trans-modulator, we will be launching several signals on ANIK F1R T1 utilizing 45 Mb per second. Until this testing is complete, our QT Plus customers will not have access to these HD signals.

Following these tests, and as noted above, we will work with Drake to announce when the revised trans-modulator will be available, which should be in the fall of this year.

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