gpflepsen said:Cable service by... Mulva? Deloris? Wait, wrong sex...Don't know what you're hinting at.
Yeah, but I think the point is that this is type of charge isn't something people are used to. When one has cable TV service, or FIOS, they don't pay for service visits. If you lose reception, have reception issues, a dead DVR, or whatever, you call the cable company and they drive a truck out and fix the problem. For free.
So the whole 'service visit fee' is foreign to some people unless they have had Dish or Direct for a while.
Of course, then you can start arguing about cable being possible more expensive than Dish (or not as good quality) but that isn't the point. The point is that, with cable tv, there is no such thing as a fee for service calls.
PS -- this also explains why some people wonder why they would have to PAY an upfront cost to lease / buy equipment. Dish will happily charge me $200 to get a Hopper and then another per-month rental fee. The cable company would never charge me to collect the receiver -- they will just charge me a fee to use it on a monthly basis (just like Dish does).
And, before anyone says "but the first receiver is free with Dish and not with cable", that isn't true. Both Verizon FIOS and my local cable company are offering a free HD DVR for the first receiver.
And, before anyone says "but the first receiver is free with Dish and not with cable", that isn't true. Both Verizon FIOS and my local cable company are offering a free HD DVR for the first receiver.
This is where the disconnect happens for most Dish customers. When they complain, a lot of people on the board are quick to jump down their throat for thinking Dish should repair the equipment for free, but they don't stop to understand where the poster's position.
donsmith1964 said:I had seen many people helped out on this forum. While I don't post (because I haven't had any problems or been able to help), I have been around awhile. Many of you have given helpful advice and some understand my frustration. To you I am grateful. The attacks were unexpected and I probably won't post here again. I mistakenly thought this was a place to get help and vent about poor customer service. It even has a DIRT response team.
There's only two in my general area. Mine, at the time, rhymed with a male appendage. Quite appropriately so. Yes, I'm still peeved at them.
Too many promises that "you'll have digital cable in your area Real Soon Now" and other BS. Wife snapped at a trade show, saw a local dealer (since departed) aimed at the Hispanic market, not us, but with a big sign "Dish for one year for $9.99 per month." That's what we did. Two 301s. Coming up on eleven years now.
Sac79348 said:Sounds like par for the course to me. I haven't found good customer service with any tv provider. They are great when you start up but terrible once you become an existing customer. Dish, DTV, Comcast are all basically the same in my experience.
I don't lease my plumbing, electric, or ac. I lease equipment and pay for a service from dish. I expect it to work. If I knew how to close this thread I would.
I am not talking about a car. Can we stop with that comparison please. I voiced my opinion and you have voiced yours - great countryWhen you lease a car and run the tires bald do they replace them for free? Is the gas also free during the lease ? Where can we all get a magic lease?
rocket69 said:I can understand you think the big cable/sat co is raking in cash but the money dish makes over DTV Is night and day. I would have to think thow if your going to get HD from dish and get a new contract they would do it all for free but if you got dish when no social was required the system has issues trying to see if your no risk low or high risk customer.
Even a service call after 9 years should be free unless your calling in every year trying to get a lower bill. What they charge the customer and what they pay the tech or sub should be criminal.
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