Mind-boggling. Sony totally lost its grip on this PS3 story...
Mind-boggling. Sony totally lost its grip on this PS3 story...
vurbano said:While THQ is waiting, other publishers don't seem too concerned. Both Activision and Electronic Arts have been working with the development kits as is. "While we may not have the final, final hardware, we know what the processor's capacity is,'' explained Activision CEO Robert Kotick. "We have active development under way.'' Added EA president Paul Lee: "We're happy with the development kits."
I doubt it matters much.
Kevinw said:EA will most likely put out some half- finished product like they did for the 360 giving the PS3 some titles at launch.
jollygrunt said:Sony doesn't really have to worry that much about launch line-up as the PS3 is backwards compatible with all PS2 games, and I think they have a few big name PS2 games coming out in the Fall, close to the PS3 launch, such as Final Fantasy 12 & God of War 2.
Purogamer said:I don't think they're banking on ps2 games on ps3, but they have many millions of ps2 people they have to make happy. If it helps get them to buy a ps3, sony will appeal to them
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