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SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV | Page 17 | SatelliteGuys.US

SkyAngel Plans Move to IPTV

SkyAngel was always an option for those that wanted Christian programming. They were licensed by the FCC. IF the FCC is now going to approve the sale of their transponders, it would only be appropriate for the FCC to require the remaining DBS providers to carry more PI channels. This is something our congressmen can do something about.

That is a very limited market, and that was their problem!

The market was not substantial enough to build a growing business on.

Also I know the Lifetime subs are upset and that is understandable. But think of it this way. Would your church be able to survive and grow if all the members made a one time tithe. I work for a Christian Ministry/Business and it is not the easiest position to be in. You always have your critics. Just my two cents.

That is likely true, but why should that ministry/business offer the "one time fee" in that case? They doomed themselves!


I don't know if we would have the right to refuse the tracking unless you don't buy the service. if you watch that neulion segment link it seems like its part of the whole "package"
That is a very limited market, and that was their problem!

The market was not substantial enough to build a growing business on.


Their relationship with Echostar could have allowed them to build a successful business even with a small market. However I am not willing to concede it is a small market. I believe Sky Angel failed to adequately tap into the market which they could have done with more partnerships and marketing.
The statement that "Christian Television" is a small and poor market and the complaint about "televangelists becoming rich, etc" somehow seem to me to be in TOTAL disagreement. I have given to the ministries of some of those you are probably talking about, and I received healing from a "fatal" head injury through a ministry and my wife and children agree that "workman is worthy of his hire." I pay for my food at the restaurant where I eat, and if that makes that restauranteer rich, wonderful. "By their fruits you shall know them." If you have been fed by SA, fine, pay your bill. Move on when that "restaurant" closes and find a new one.

I am not a SA* sub. although I did consider becoming one until I found Glorystar. I did not support Jim and Tammy Baker but some took the liberty of sending Jim to prison for less than these offenses. Jim and Tammy were entertainers who ministered, not claiming to "Minister to the masses." Perhaps someone will wait for the transfer of purpose, then sue as one who wishes to maintain the "ministry" of SA* and cause the Johnson family to lose it all. With the legal eagles they have, they probably would succeed.

The Glorystar program claims to get their money from sale of packaged equipment and has the stations/network provide the advertising -- and then apparently gives a royalty to the station that initiates the sale. Glorystar helps the station get a channel on the proper satellite. If or when Glorystar ceases to exist, the programing will continue. You will not be out any money. If the station you want is not on the Glorystar list, post on the Glorystar forum what you want to see.... GS* will check into your requests. Or, if it is not Christian ie: Family values, contact the station to get them on G25 or AMC4 . GS* may not put them in the programed line up but adding them to your receiver is easy, as is removing those you do not want to view. I am hoping GS* will need to pick up another KU satellite to carry all the programs we want and the Satellite Guys will be able to figure out how to add an lnb for that reception!

At the same time, since you already have Dish Equipment, write or email (PAPER TRAIL) E* and ask them to continue the stations you want and let them know you would pay X$ to have them do so, then bend your knees and ask The Father to grant you your desires to have the programming continue. That way you will put WORKS to your FAITH.
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Although it is probably not practical, I wish Glorystar could operate on the AMC 4 satellite solely. It seems to be much more powerful and easier to aim on. If they could find a way to move everyone to AMC 4 and just save Galaxy 25 either for backup, or they can keep the TBN channels on 25 (which seem to never have any problems broadacsting), they would be pretty close to the perfect service.
At the same time, since you already have Dish Equipment, write or email (PAPER TRAIL) E* and ask them to continue the stations you want and let them know you would pay X$ to have them do so, then bend your knees and ask The Father to grant you your desires to have the programming continue. That way you will put WORKS to your FAITH.

I have done this already. I wrote to DISH and suggested they put a "faith" package together they could market to various faiths as a stand-alone, like DISH Family or as an add-on like the local channels.

Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of The Christ" showed their is money to be made from the Christian community. In marketing Christian television, those that market it have to get beyond the perception that it is all tele-evangelists. Christian television is much more than that. CBN has nightly newscasts with a conservative Christian slant to it. There are documentaries, Christian movies, Pastor Greg is a Christian sitcom, children's programing, live audience talk shows, nature programs, creation science programs, cooking programs, health programs, political programs and other such things one doesn't immediately think of when considering Christian television.
The statement that "Christian Television" is a small and poor market and the complaint about "televangelists becoming rich, etc" somehow seem to me to be in TOTAL disagreement. I have given to the ministries of some of those you are probably talking about, and I received healing from a "fatal" head injury through a ministry and my wife and children agree that "workman is worthy of his hire." I pay for my food at the restaurant where I eat, and if that makes that restauranteer rich, wonderful.

Brother, by no means do I mean this in a contentious way, but I wonder, what if the restauranteer advertises steak and serves you junk food?
What if most of his advertisement is found to be fraudulent? What if the food he serves makes many of the customers sick? Do you still feel good about that restauranteer becoming rich?

And how far can you take the comparison between a Christian minister and a restauranteer? Did Jesus not tell us to lay up our treasures primarily in heaven, and NOT on earth? Not to deny anyone a decent home and lifestyle, but is there really justification for TV ministers, in Jesus' name, to be plowing tens of millions of dollars into lavish mansions and personal portfolios while there are so many in this world struggling with poverty?

"By their fruits you shall know them."

Did Jesus build a personal financial empire for Himself while He was ministering on this earth?

If you have been fed by SA, fine, pay your bill. Move on when that "restaurant" closes and find a new one.

I am not a SA* sub. although I did consider becoming one until I found Glorystar. I did not support Jim and Tammy Baker but some took the liberty of sending Jim to prison for less than these offenses.
Jim went to prison because he was guilty of fraud.

Jim and Tammy were entertainers who ministered, not claiming to "Minister to the masses."
Jim and Tammy most certainly were claiming the TAX benefits of ministers, not entertainers. Heritage Village and PTL were registered as a church and missionary fellowship with the Federal Government.

You make some very good points. I don't believe that a lawsuit vs. Sky Angel will really benefit anyone, except some lawyers.

At the same time, since you already have Dish Equipment, write or email (PAPER TRAIL) E* and ask them to continue the stations you want and let them know you would pay X$ to have them do so, then bend your knees and ask The Father to grant you your desires to have the programming continue. That way you will put WORKS to your FAITH.

Excellent of the best I have read on this board.
Jim went to prison because he was guilty of fraud.

Jim Baker went to jail because he was a safe target for the prosecutor. He was someone the prosecutor could nail and claim to be doing good.

It has been a while, but I remember reading over the true charges and found them sorely lacking. But then we don't live in a just society anymore. We live in one where those who fall out of favor can have the legal system used to bludgeon them.

Note that I am not claiming he was perfect, but I have seen just as much "sin" by many criticizing SkyAngel on this board. We all (myself included) need to watch out "casting stones", though many Christians see that as a fine hobby it seems.

Thanks for the questions, BabaLouie,,

I do not take them as contentious. In keeping with the analogy, I get very sick from Thai, and Greek food and true Mexican food for some reason does not agree with me. So I do not go to those restaurants. Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley and Paula White among many others feed me. Yet, James Robison (as an example) no longer does. I eat at the ones that do and change channels from the ones who do not.

The saga of Jim Baker, as mentioned by Brad, was between anti-pentecostals and the use of funds at a Christian recreation park for Pentcostal activities. (His denomination santioned him for Jessica, but he could not lose an ordination he did not have!) Jim did not want to cause more of a black eye to the Christian community, so he did NOT chose to bring down another ministry to make himself look better. (I know far more than Jim wants shared.)

The lawyers will be the ones who make the money, but they are "family" in that "church". I will not engage in further comments in that regard -- The ISSUE is keeping the programs you want available.

IF YOU have faith as of a grain of mustard seed... and how much and what kind of Faith does a mustard seed have? And if you live LOVE, you can expect and have your prayers answered. So keep those cards and letters going friends, then PRAY. Give God some action to work with. God has problems steering a drifting ship.
Folks, if you want to continue the conversation on the good and the bad of the business of ministries, please create a separate thread in "The Pit". It is a very interesting conversation but it doesn't belong in this thread. This thread is about Sky Angel's move to IPTV.


See ya
Thanks, Tony. I for one do not need to argue about that issue. I know I do not do well without "My Favorites" and I also know what I have seen work.

I do not think anyone will change SA*'s plan to move off E* but I am over 50% sure that if E* got several thousand postcards saying "Please keep the SkyAngel - Faith Based Family Value package alive. Thank You" and signed by a subscriber with their account number, it would prove non-ignorable. Simply a good (exceptional) business move. Two thousand customers for an extra $10.00 a month = $20,000, with no more equipment to supply, and wise marketing could convert some to full E* package customers - if they have that wisdom ( from others comments, they may have to train their CSR's ! )
For anyone interested, this is who I wrote to about DISH carrying a faith-based package.

Mr. Eric Sahl
Senior VP Programming
Dish Network
9601 S. Meridian
Englewood, CO 80112
I do not think anyone will change SA*'s plan to move off E* but I am over 50% sure that if E* got several thousand postcards saying "Please keep the SkyAngel - Faith Based Family Value package alive. Thank You" and signed by a subscriber with their account number, it would prove non-ignorable. Simply a good (exceptional) business move. Two thousand customers for an extra $10.00 a month = $20,000, with no more equipment to supply, and wise marketing could convert some to full E* package customers - if they have that wisdom ( from others comments, they may have to train their CSR's ! )

A flaw in that thought is that Dish may be really stretched for transponder space, and even the ones that will be freed up by this may be most useful for their other needs, especially doing locals and possibly HD content.

Am I remembering correctly that SkyAngel was only really using 2 of their transponders, since the others were "traded" to Dish for access to the Dish system?

I still think this is a useful strategy, because again, if we can show DISH there is a niche market to be had (and at no direct cost, since the customers already have the equipment installed and operating) - they will serve it. Look at all the international SD channels - there is a market for it, and E* fills the niches.
Oct viewer advisory survey

Mentions NOTHING about switch to IPTV, wnats to know about adding channels though............

seems like this may further increase the price as Sky Angel canada doesn't have any extras!

If Sky ANGEL wants to become secular with a few Christian staions thrown in I might as well go with Dish FAMILY! Already own that equipment and it will be cheaper besides.......

also I believe more than one of these channels is evolutionary whci is going to turn off many Christians

It is like there are two different companies ... one that transferred all of it's satellite space to E* and will need to shut down satellite service and another that acts like nothing is changing!

The survey that I just received makes no mention of the impending loss of satellite channels. But they do want to know what channels I want added and what channels I watch on SkyAngel.

Their suggested additions (pick 7):
Weather Channel - (National and Local Weather Forecast, Radar, Map and Report)
Food Network - (Food Network : Cooking, Recipe Collections, Party Ideas, Quick & Easy Recipes, Cooking Videos)
Game Show Network - (GSN - The Network For Games)
ESPN - (ESPN: The Worldwide Leader In Sports)
The Outdoor Channel - ( - Homepage)
Animal Planet - (Animal Planet :: Home Page)
Biography Channel - (Biography, Videos and Interviews -
History Channel - (The History Channel - Home Page)
Discovery Channel - (Discovery Channel : Home)
Turner Classic Movies - (TCM Turner Classic Movies)
Sportsman Channel - (The Sportsman Channel)
Disney Channel - ( | TV | Home)
TV Land - (Watch Old TV Shows Online, View Video Clips of Classic Television Series : TV Land)
RFDTV - (RFD-TV - Rural America's Most Important Network)
BlueHighways TV - ( - Welcome!)
The Golf Channel - ( - Golf's Home Page)
The Military Channel - (Military Channel :: Home Page)
NASA Television - (NASA - NASA TV Landing Page)
The Pentagon Channel - (The Pentagon Channel)
Visual Arts Network - (Visual Arts Network)
Fox Business News - (Business And Money | Business News | Financial News -
Discovery Kids - (Discovery Kids :: Home Page :: Discovery Kids)
Discovery Home - (Discovery Home Channel :: Home Page)
Do It Yourself Network - (DIY Network : Home Improvement, Craft Ideas, Gardening, Autos & Woodworking Projects and Videos)
Toon Disney - (
PBS Kids Sprout - (PBS KIDS Sprout | Welcome)

They also want to know "Which cable news network do you prefer?" (CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC or None of the above)

It is like there are two different companies ... one that transferred all of it's satellite space to E* and will need to shut down satellite service and another that acts like nothing is changing!

um, they ARE 2 different companies :)

Their suggested additions (pick 7):

snipped for the list...some of those channels are in DishFamily. The reason some arent like EPSN & Disney is the price they want to charge Dish.
And some arent even on Dish

Here is a list of channels on DishFamily
EKB: DishFamily Programming
Not really. Or is SKY ANGEL actually planning on adding these channels to DBS? People signed up to advise for the service they receive, not to give free business advice for IPTV! I don't even think they can offer these on DBS, wouldn't it conflict with dish? so who is the advisory panel now working for SKY ANGEL DBS or SKY ANGEL IPTV? I don't imagine they are forming yet another company with a new board are they? They are only changing their mode of broadcasting, correct?

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