dare2be SatelliteGuys God Lifetime Supporter Jul 15, 2011 12,743 7,776 FL Mar 12, 2015 #21 No, it's about a la carte. Heavy users can still have their major bundle packages but the choice will come as more and more cord cutters whittle away the bundling profits.
No, it's about a la carte. Heavy users can still have their major bundle packages but the choice will come as more and more cord cutters whittle away the bundling profits.
Kraven Resident Bozo Jun 2, 2012 11,917 2,941 Northern, VT Mar 12, 2015 #22 My ideal pack would be this: A&E, AMC, F/X, Discovery, TNT, TBS, National Geography, home/garden, CNN and USA
My ideal pack would be this: A&E, AMC, F/X, Discovery, TNT, TBS, National Geography, home/garden, CNN and USA