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Smart phone come of age | SatelliteGuys.US

Smart phone come of age


Original poster
Dec 13, 2005
Wind mobile's entry into the canadian cellular market urshers in a new group of smart phone users, whether the OS is RIM ( blackberry), Android (Huawei), windows mobile ( HTC). the price of a smart phone is about the same as a normal cell phone. I am attracted to the unlimited voice plan with free canadian cost to cost for $45.00 per month. I was paying Fido $59.00 with no free long distance.
chose a htc maple for $180.00. young people like my daughter who wanted the iphone but didn't wanted to shell out $500.00 plus is waiting for the android powered motorola just about to be introduced. wind will not offer the motorola until staff training has been completed. Symbian OS is still leading the mobile scene. Google android is just about to exceed RIM and accelerating at a phenominal rate toward # 1, IMHO.
At first glance, this appeared to be spam to me, for "Wind Mobile." I was too quick to judge. But perhaps it is better suited for the Phone Zone.
high cellular cost

sorry to post in the wrong forum, I can assure navychop my post is not a spam. although my tone of voice could be. cbc news reported that us, spain, and canada paid the worst cell phone rate in the developed world. the orient pay a frction of what we pay for the convience of having a cell phone. don't know about pain and the states. here in canada we have the big three and the crtc to keep phone rates high and per capita cell phone use low. I welcome the the entry of a provider ( name left out) to bring the price down and start the price war. been ripped off too long.
I welcome the the entry of a provider ( name left out) to bring the price down and start the price war.
If you believe Wind is going to get us that, I think you are too optimistic.
Just look at Fido, Clearnet...

glad you brought it up. before fido, I was paying Telus mobility more than $115.00 per month , I generally use between 1000 to 2000 min. per month. Fido came in with the city fido and lower my monthly fee to about $50.00. been with them since, now my 2 number account should drop from $90.00 to $60.00 per month. I still have one number with fido, maybe not for long. wind is not the only sh*t disturber. the cell scene in north amerca is quickly maturing.
The point was: the moment Fido started being a threat to the big boys, it was bought. Same with Clearnet.
Fido Solutions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Question_book-new.svg" class="image"><img alt="Question book-new.svg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/99/Question_book-new.svg/50px-Question_book-new.svg.png

I said this before: the "competition" between GSM and non-GSM carriers in North America, that was hailed as the driving force to lower prices and better service,
created the exact opposite. With help from subsidized handsets. And your reference to the CBC program is just confirmation for this sad fact.

IIRC, only China (when looking at reasonably sized cell markets) has a significant non-GSM network and even in that case it is using a SIM card.
And many Chinese handsets support dual SIM cards.


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