HA! That's funny!I am not getting anything here in St. Louis with an EA dish!Actually I am getting my OTA and E* provided locals -- but nothing else. When I run the test I get three red boxes with white Xs in them instead of the normal green boxes. I never had issues like this through all the years I was with D*. Needless to say I am VERY upset! I was happy with the switch to E* -- that I made a year ago tomorrow -- but if E* cannot fix this from happening then I will have no choice but to leave them.
FYI, my dish is on the room two stories up so I have no access to it. And like I said, D* equipment never had this kind of issue with snow -- so IMO E* needs to fix it and fast!
You guys are getting a Sierra type storm! Up here at Lake Tahoe we are used to that wet heavy sticky snow which is why we place our Dish where it can be reached with a broom.
It's not so much the thickness of the snow but the water content. You probably have a slushy base layer of an inch or two with whiter stuff on top attached to the reflector and that really messes with the signal.
Certainly not normal for you midwesterners, but hardly a cause to blame E* lol.