The big question is how many STBs CVC itself has sitting in its warehouses ready to sell at bargain-basement prices to E*. If there are at least 100,000 or so, it would probably be worth E*'s effort to reprogram them for their own use. As others have mentioned, there's a big gray area between "perfect" and "useless"... implementing E*'s protocols is critical; logo replacement is somewhere near the middle or end of the list (depending on whether you ask someone in Marketing/Management or in engineering... "suit" types tend to get really bent out of shape over symbolic things that engineering-types view as irrelevant until the management/marketing-types freak out and start making threats...)
The other obvious alternative would be for some liquidator to hire someone to do a hack job on the firmware and reflash them into grossly over-engineered ATSC OTA tuners.
The ultra-cool alternative would be for the same liquidator to sell 'em on eBay with the SDK on CD-rom so they could take on a post-voom life of their own as semi-HTPCs (running a hacked up version of Linux, perhaps... possibly with ATA drivers for the currently-ignored 1394 port and HD-DVR capabilities with an external drive). Unfortunately, I suspect Motorola regards the SDK and system docs for the box as trade secrets and would require an NDA and lots of ca$h from anyone hoping to ever see it).