I am with DustoMan here.
"I don't mind if OTA isn't there at launch because of PTAT. While I do like the increased quality of OTA (for the cost of extra HDD space), I use it to be able to record 4 things at the same time. PTAT takes care of that for me. I'd missing having the subchannels, but it's something I can live with. Oh and 2 OTA tuners are better than just one.

" DustoMan
Having lived with the 922 and OTA for almost 2 years, won't PTAT take the place of the OTA for me.... if so why would I need the OTA? I use OTA mainly to record 4 PTAT shows at once.
That said I don't know if I will be allowed to upgrade until this fall because I used the "Dishing IT Up" to get the 922?
Another thing I have noticed is people want 2 hoppers in case one fails, well what do we do now if we only have one receiver and it fails, well we wait until the replacement arrives.