We received the update (Version 0F14) early Wed. morning (7/19) on both of our H20-600s.Since then,we have lost all signals on the 99 birds (Network 10 and 11 shows n/a on all TPs) and the 103 bird is virtually non-existant als
ut of 6 TPs for 103 (Network 14),we are getting a signal of 10 on TP5.The 103 (Network 15) shows all TPs as n/a.Before this update,we were getting constant solid signal strengths in the 70s & 80s from these two sats.The 101,110 and 119 sats are all showing solid,strong signals.I called D* on Thurs. (7/20) and told them what was going on with the signal strengths.They placed a service call for Mon. morning.Is anyone else experiencing this issue with the new software?