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Sorry to say: VOOM's gotta go | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Sorry to say: VOOM's gotta go

I came from TW in Austin to Voom because the HD-DVR had a ton of PQ problems and the price was just way to high. I would watch that special deal you got, I bet that does not include the rental fees and is most likley only for a few months. People complain about Voom's billing, TW is 10 times worse, they charged me over 1000 in 3 months because I moved and they never turned off the other house and changed me for 2 houses and 6 boxes. It took weeks for them to fix it and they did not give all my money back.

As for Fox, you can be 1 mile away from the tower and still not get it. I am thinking of getting another ant and pointing it towards Waco where they have fox with a muc higher output. Too bad it's still only 480P.
I can't wait for HD-DVD (not sure I'll even invest in it right away since I have Voom).
I bought a JVC DVHS deck and it was well worth it. Though the tapes are a bit spendy, I've been able to find movies for an average price of around $25 and the PQ is mind-boggling at 28 mbps. I'm still waiting for a WM9 enabled DVD player to come out and will probably jump on one of those instead.
I Have The Same Issue...

dmazyn said:
As for Fox, you can be 1 mile away from the tower and still not get it. I am thinking of getting another ant and pointing it towards Waco where they have fox with a muc higher output.

I live 15 miles from Augusta, Ga and can't get a decent signal from the Augusta Fox station. I'm 45 miles from Columbia, and Fox 57 comes in strong...

Thank God (and Voom) for ota scanning! :)
Dvlos said:
Seawaves I thought you quit Voom already? Please shut your trap about OTA over their sats, I would rather they save the b/w for something else. OTA in my area is sharp as hell and is actually in some cases better than Sat. I do agree their Exclusives need structuring but if you don't like them at all that's your problem. Rave is a Voom exclusive by the way. Bravo HD jeez unless it's Cirque de Soleil or the Olympics I don't watch it, don't really dig obscure classical concerts but others probably do. Monsters is great, if you like Discovery and Travel then you like Equator. If you ever watch the news then HDNews sure is a lot prettier to look at than CNN.

HDNews is one of the things that's most wrong with Voom. Pretty to look at but empty inside. You must like brainless bleached blondes if you like this channel better than CNN, that says a lot about you.

Do you always tell someone to "shut your trap" when they take a stance that you don't agree with? Nice job- Saddam. Monsters is a very good "niche" channel.

And as a paying customer of Voom, it's also Voom's problem. They have to make as many people happy as possible or they have nothing but churn.
Seawaves said:
HDNews is one of the things that's most wrong with Voom. Pretty to look at but empty inside. You must like brainless bleached blondes if you like this channel better than CNN, that says a lot about you.

Ok first of if I really want to know about something I use the Internet you can find much more information on a subject that way. I don't hardcore hop on a news channel all day long because to me it's not worth it. I'll watch CNN or CNN headline news for a few minutes and already be up to speed. With what I also read on that net I know all I need to know. HDNews covers all the major headlines, and shows some sports clips in HD. To me it's fine. For a commercial free shot in entirely HD news channel it's pretty damn nice. You have a hard on for putting Voom down, I understand that, hence your attack on hot bleached blondes and HDNews.

And as a paying customer of Voom, it's also Voom's problem. They have to make as many people happy as possible or they have nothing but churn.

Actually I say "shut your trap" when I have to hear the same person drone on and on about ignorant and pointless topics IMO. Why would I want OTA locals eating the bandwidth of my Sat. when I can get it, or work a way to get it with an OTA. Why would I want that? I'd rather Voom continue to expand their lineup to include 90 HD channels even if it takes two years, instead of shoving my locals on their Sat. It's redundant and useless IMO when I'd rather see HBO2 or FOX channels in HD (some ARE in fact converting). Than have that b/w used by locals. What I WOULD rather is the local tech support for OTA beefed up considerably.

You said it though, as MANY people as possible happy. It's impossible to make EVERYONE happy. However you seem much happier doing with DTV or Dish so do it. Why are you still here complaining about Voom and bleached blondes? Seems childish to be like "Yeah man I quit Voom they suck, their PQ suck, their Voom exclusives suck, yeah man Dish is better they charge me for HD channels and they only offer 6, that's all I watch anyway because Voom sucks"

Then hop on to the Voom forums and complain daily how you don't like Voom exclusives. Yeah! Congrats! You're right Voom should Nix ALL their HD exclusives and acknowledge to the world, that less HD is the way to go!! Brilliant!
rcmojo - yes Fox here in Austin is only broadcasting at 800 watts. Silly isn't it? Check it here under KTBC
I emailed the station to see when they were going to bump up the power and they said this is just a "test signal" and there is no date set to increase the power. Feel free to send them an email as a concerned HDTV viewer. :D
wbuffetta said:
If You Got To Go Then Go.
Anybody Who Says I'm Dumping VOOM Because Of OTA Issues Is Just Wanting To WINE.
If You Can Get Cable You Can Get A Package That Includes Mainly Your Locals With Few Other Stations.
You Can Get Dishnetwork & Get Just Your Locals & Hd Package (HDnet & HDnet Movies)
You Can Run Your Own Antenna & Hook It Up To Your TV or Get Your Own HD Receiver
Thats For OTA Only.
But Please People Stop Telling Us I'm Dumping VOOM Because Of OTA Proplems.

Who the hell are you? I didn't start this thread as a gripe session against Voom. I can say whatever the heck I please on this forum. Don't read it if it bothers you. Some of you act as if Voom is the only option that anyone with any amount of sense would ever choose - they rest are a bunch of dumb A..'s. Give me a break. Voom has it's obvious strong points (HD and more HD) but don't not every single person with a hd tv is solely interested in a quality picture - there is still a helluva lot of compelling content on sd channels and it'll remain that way for several years - deal with it.
dmazyn said:
I came from TW in Austin to Voom because the HD-DVR had a ton of PQ problems and the price was just way to high. I would watch that special deal you got, I bet that does not include the rental fees and is most likley only for a few months. People complain about Voom's billing, TW is 10 times worse, they charged me over 1000 in 3 months because I moved and they never turned off the other house and changed me for 2 houses and 6 boxes. It took weeks for them to fix it and they did not give all my money back.

As for Fox, you can be 1 mile away from the tower and still not get it. I am thinking of getting another ant and pointing it towards Waco where they have fox with a muc higher output. Too bad it's still only 480P.

I can't address the pq problems with the TWC HD-DVR but I sure can tell you that there are no rental fees or any other hidden charges. No contracts either and the deal I have is valid for 1 year. Trust me, I know the perils of dealing with Time Warner and I may go crazy after 1 month and swallow a big dose of humble pie and get Voom back on the phone :-) I'm at least willing to give it a shot because I must get Fox since I won't have DTV and the NFL ST. I'll go crazy without NFC games - AFC and CBS's lousy coverage seems totally inferior!!
Dvlos said:
Ok first of if I really want to know about something I use the Internet you can find much more information on a subject that way. I don't hardcore hop on a news channel all day long because to me it's not worth it. I'll watch CNN or CNN headline news for a few minutes and already be up to speed. With what I also read on that net I know all I need to know. HDNews covers all the major headlines, and shows some sports clips in HD. To me it's fine. For a commercial free shot in entirely HD news channel it's pretty damn nice. You have a hard on for putting Voom down, I understand that, hence your attack on hot bleached blondes and HDNews.

Actually I say "shut your trap" when I have to hear the same person drone on and on about ignorant and pointless topics IMO. Why would I want OTA locals eating the bandwidth of my Sat. when I can get it, or work a way to get it with an OTA. Why would I want that? I'd rather Voom continue to expand their lineup to include 90 HD channels even if it takes two years, instead of shoving my locals on their Sat. It's redundant and useless IMO when I'd rather see HBO2 or FOX channels in HD (some ARE in fact converting). Than have that b/w used by locals. What I WOULD rather is the local tech support for OTA beefed up considerably.

You said it though, as MANY people as possible happy. It's impossible to make EVERYONE happy. However you seem much happier doing with DTV or Dish so do it. Why are you still here complaining about Voom and bleached blondes? Seems childish to be like "Yeah man I quit Voom they suck, their PQ suck, their Voom exclusives suck, yeah man Dish is better they charge me for HD channels and they only offer 6, that's all I watch anyway because Voom sucks"

Then hop on to the Voom forums and complain daily how you don't like Voom exclusives. Yeah! Congrats! You're right Voom should Nix ALL their HD exclusives and acknowledge to the world, that less HD is the way to go!! Brilliant!

You seem to agree with my that HDnews is a waste. As for liking Dish, you clearly have me mixed up with somone else. Don't like and I don't have Dish, period.

It's childish to want Voom fix there problems? LMAO. I said MAYBE Voom would want to get OTA (as in HD distant feeds from the birds) which MIGHT improve Voom not make it worse. I said the Cinema Ten is a waste which it is. Go look up every post that says tha-t and make sure you also attck all those people.

Voom lives by numbers-period. Subs mean money. Churn means profit loss. The more people that are satisfied- (that does not mean everybody) the longer Voom is around. This seems to escape you, hence your attack on me.
not every single person with a hd tv is solely interested in a quality picture
Yeah, their name's are Jane & Joe Six Pack.

Regarding CNN vs HDN, I prefer the babes on CNN.

I have yet to watch a single movie on Cinema10, I do watch some MonstersHD, Rave & Rush but that's about it, most of my screen time is tuned into HDNET or OTA.
No I think you missed the point, HDNews to me, is very adequate and much nicer to look at than CNN. CNN may how more content, and more news feeds, and update more... etc... but I don't spend that much time on the news. I usually catch most of it online, but I do check out HDnews from time to time especially for some nice sports clips in HD. My main point is.. that it is NOT a waste.

The way you and others go about getting Voom to fix their problems seem childish yes. "Oh I'm quitting Voom!!!!" threads then you don't quit. Or Remove all the Cinema 10 channels and don't offer an alternative. If Voom axes HDNEWS, Cinema 10, and Moov than what HD Content are they offering? Do you not understand that HD content is limited as it is? How about this, why doesn't Voom keep as many HD channels as they can and add/change them as time goes on? Huh? How's that novel idea. What I remember seeing is a poll done on what Voom Exclusives you watch the most, and every single Voom channel was voted on more than once (even Moov amazing!). Some people like it!

The only time it becomes a factor.. TO ME.. is if for example we couldn't get ESPN2-HD because Voom is overloaded with HD Channels. Then I'd say yeah, hey let's nix Moov and get ESPN 2 in HD!! Right now, axing channels and put what? Yes Voom still needs to get subscribers, yes they use the "Most HD Anywhere" angle as the way to do it, so? Why does it bother you? If it bothers you THAT much come through with your threats and quit Voom, and see where that gets you.

I'm just stating I totally disagree with you. I do not think the way to say you want MORE HD and better HD is to start giving your hard earned dollars to companies that take their sweet ol' time delivering HD and HD channels.

Voom with 35,000 subscribers pools it's own dollars to produce 21 Exclusive Channels. Every old movie, world sport event have royalty costs involved, and they do it to offer more channels.

I'm sure that DirectTV with 12 Million subscribers ranking in an average of $720 million dollars monthly. Could produce 6 or 7 really kick ass HD Exclusive Channels like Voom. To push the HD envelope, but do they? No. Because they don't give a lick about you, or your new HDTV. They don't care about new technology or what you want, or what you like. If they can make 720 million dollars with the least amount of the work the happier they are.

Let Voom steal away even 1 million customers from them. You're going to see DirectTV riding a motorized Segway scooter and a giant "We Love HDTV" neon sign blinking on their rear end.
Besides, who can watch CNN? They have so much CRAP plastered over the screen, it's impossible to comprehend anything! Watching that channel makes my brain want to implode.
DarrellP said:
I have yet to watch a single movie on Cinema10, I do watch some MonstersHD, Rave & Rush but that's about it, most of my screen time is tuned into HDNET or OTA.

Since getting Voom I check out HDNews daily for about 20 minutes, I've only seen three Cinema 10 movies. I watch Rave almost every day, it gets sadder at night when they keep playing the same concerts but I'm sure it will get better. So far Fleetwood Mac was the best one. Rush, Gallery, and Equator get plenty of viewing time in my house. I'll catch Auction and Ultra sometimes, (I'm telling you man Ultra has some half naked chicks hopping around most of the time). This constitutes 30% of my viewing time.

I'd say a good 40% is in Premium Plus HD movie viewing, I always find something to watch there daily.

But I'd say the other 30% of the viewing time is divided up between OTA HD, ESPN HD, Discovery HD, and TNT HD. I only watch OTA SD for catching some local news, or when the provider forgets to flip the program to HD.
Dvlos said:
Since getting Voom I check out HDNews daily for about 20 minutes, I've only seen three Cinema 10 movies. I watch Rave almost every day, it gets sadder at night when they keep playing the same concerts but I'm sure it will get better. So far Fleetwood Mac was the best one. Rush, Gallery, and Equator get plenty of viewing time in my house. I'll catch Auction and Ultra sometimes, (I'm telling you man Ultra has some half naked chicks hopping around most of the time). This constitutes 30% of my viewing time.

I'd say a good 40% is in Premium Plus HD movie viewing, I always find something to watch there daily.

But I'd say the other 30% of the viewing time is divided up between OTA HD, ESPN HD, Discovery HD, and TNT HD. I only watch OTA SD for catching some local news, or when the provider forgets to flip the program to HD.

Well that's about what I watch, except HDnews. I'd rather listen to anchors that have been around. I too get most of my information from the Internet, save local news.

The thing that you and I agree on is- that Voom is pushing the other two SAT co's in a good way. DTV is being forced to add HD content and they will. As for Dish, I think Ergen has his head stuck in the ground.

Now if Voom could just sue to end the Sunday Ticket contract that the NFL has with DTV..that would be something.
Honestly I've never subscriber to NFL Sunday Ticket, BUT if I can watch my Dolphins, and the NY Giants playing in HD anytime during the week I think I'd be real happy. I'm not going to watch every single NFL game on a Sunday anyway, since I'm busy. But doesn't Cablevision own and operate NFL Network? If they can air most games on HD on that NFL-HD network and without paying extra for it? Hell that would be great.

On that Voom is making DTV and Dish move, yes, for sure those companies are very complacent and Voom is very eager. I actually think Voom listened to ChetK and upped the b/w on the Tyson fight because it looked hotness. That's the way it should be all the time, I just get the feeling Rainbow DBS cannot financially do all the thing we want all at one time... DTV and DIsh would have to be completely different companies and start kicking SD channels left and right to get my business away from Voom coupled with Voom unable to change anything for a long time - to get me to switch.
To the original: if I had that package with the HD-DVR, I wouldn't bother with voom, even without ESPN-HD!!
Dvlos said:
Honestly I've never subscriber to NFL Sunday Ticket, BUT if I can watch my Dolphins, and the NY Giants playing in HD anytime during the week I think I'd be real happy. I'm not going to watch every single NFL game on a Sunday anyway, since I'm busy. But doesn't Cablevision own and operate NFL Network? If they can air most games on HD on that NFL-HD network and without paying extra for it? Hell that would be great.

On that Voom is making DTV and Dish move, yes, for sure those companies are very complacent and Voom is very eager. I actually think Voom listened to ChetK and upped the b/w on the Tyson fight because it looked hotness. That's the way it should be all the time, I just get the feeling Rainbow DBS cannot financially do all the thing we want all at one time... DTV and DIsh would have to be completely different companies and start kicking SD channels left and right to get my business away from Voom coupled with Voom unable to change anything for a long time - to get me to switch.

Well, I can't get my 'Skins here in CA so ST is what I need and they may just be worth watching this year. DTV ST's contract would not let Cablevision show those games real time. It would be the next day or so.

All in all you and I agree more than not. How would have thought that three hours ago? I love to watch HD period. If I watch any SD, it might be A&E or Court TV and I have been told that they will both be in HD in 2005.

I just think Cinema 10 would be better of being used to make other HD 17-19 mps.

I do wish Voom had some PPV and decent fights to watch. Even UFC would be cool.
Seawaves said:
All in all you and I agree more than not. How would have thought that three hours ago? I love to watch HD period. If I watch any SD, it might be A&E or Court TV and I have been told that they will both be in HD in 2005.

I guess it just depends on how you say things.. heh... CourtTV is one of those channels I used to watch a lot, especially forensic files.. man I would seriously do backflips down the driveway if Forensic files came in HD.

Dumping Voom...

Does Voom have the Best HD PQ?

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