When I set my DVR recordings to show by A to Z it does it fine but once I restart the receiver it goes back to New to oldest. I don't know if this is a bug in the 0x559 or if it's by default.
is the HR24-500 and the HR24-700 in the limited CE release? i had the new HDGUI on both the HR24 500 and 700 but when i resetted both my boxes it went back to the old 04D1 GUI.
They should not have went back to the NR unless you put the code in outside of the 11pm - 2am ....
yeah i did it by mistake. (foolish me)
How can I go back to the previous software? Possible or not?
When I set my DVR recordings to show by A to Z it does it fine but once I restart the receiver it goes back to New to oldest. I don't know if this is a bug in the 0x559 or if it's by default.
andrewj0781 said:When I set my DVR recordings to show by A to Z it does it fine but once I restart the receiver it goes back to New to oldest. I don't know if this is a bug in the 0x559 or if it's by default.
what time do i have to reset my receiver's to get the latest HDGUI update?
You can modify the default Playlist Sort in the Misc. Settings menu to keep your preferred settings after a restart.
generix said:Is this only in the CE?
Guys, If you go into the Playlist section, the Yellow Button is for Options, in there you can change the Playlist order and some other stuff as well.
Those don't stick after a restart (at least not the sorting option).
OK, never realized that, how about setting it in the defaults, DVDKingdom mentioned ?
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